June 2004

Sunday in brief

Sunday in brief

I have just tried to write an update but have realised that I am a bit too tired to string a sentence together. So, briefly – lovely Sunday. Started the day with an email...

Bag of Wonder

Bag of Wonder

The flu has moved on to Big-P but luckily he hasn’t been hit too hard and has a long weekend to get plenty of rest. After stocking up on fruit and veggies and so...

friday night, time for bed

friday night, time for bed

Still a bit slow today but Amelia had another brilliant night apart from a little more Baby Whispering needed at 5am. I have had one of those days where I keep thinking “Oh, I...

Flu away

Flu away

I’m sick. I have to flu – the real thing, glands up, aching limbs, hot and cold sweats. Had to cancel three things I have been looking forward to all week; lunch with Special-K,...

Knit Crit

Knit Crit

I thought it was interesting to note that while many Australians sat around their Sunday morning breakfast tables reading in the Sunday Life Magazine that knitting was a fad that had bombed (“Gone in...

Fowl (or Why I don't have a Food Blog)

Fowl (or Why I don't have a Food Blog)

Today is a beautiful (beautiful! listen to those birds! enjoy that sunshine!) day. Amelia J slept all night until 5.30am when Big-P did some of his gentle cajoling and got her back to sleep...

Banshee part 2

Banshee part 2

Another night of howling and wailing. Fortunately this time she actually slept when she came into bed with us around 3.30am. But tonight we go cold turkey. After checking on her after the first...

Feeling wooly

Feeling wooly

Ah ohhh… a sleepless night due to the howling banshee child. She seemed perfectly cheerful (and held extensive conversations between Teddy and Rabbit “ooh! Hello!” – “oooh busy day!”) when in bed with us...

Flower power

Flower power

Amelia J is much better. She had a slightly disturbed night but after sleeping in until 7.30am (bliss!) she had a very cheerful low temperature day. Thank goodness. She even didn’t mind a quick...



I have just put Amelia to bed with a temperature of 38.3°c. It was up at 38.8°c about an hour ago before I stripped her down and gave her some baby paracetamol. She seems...