November 2005

Quick n Nasty Advent Calendar

Quick n Nasty Advent Calendar

With about half an hour to spare this morning I realised that if I was going to do an activity advent calendar for December it was going to have to be now or never....

Marshmallow and friends

Marshmallow and friends

Ahhh finished just in time. The three bunnies are packed in an express post box and are on their way to Adelaide for Morphe. I am quite pleased with these little critters, though the...

Whistle while we panic

Whistle while we panic

I have a couple of deadlines which I am dancing dangerously with at the moment. The first and fast upcoming one is the Morphe exhibition in Adelaide. The exhibition opens on December 6th, but...

End of year ideas

End of year ideas

Firstly, I think this is simple and fun: Family photo booth photos – one a year. Does anyone know where there is a photo booth that takes old black and white strips in Melbourne?...

Christmas Cards

Christmas Cards

I have had a few emails recently about whether or not there will be Loobylu Christmas cards for sale this year. Unfortunately I haven’t had enough time to get it organised but there are...

Baby I Can Drive My Car

Baby I Can Drive My Car

It feels like it has been a long week. Although the weekend promises more work squeezed into spare moments and crazy rushing around in the other moments, it’s still nice to have Friday night...

Harriet, Timmy and Dixie the duck

Harriet, Timmy and Dixie the duck

Yesterday morning I asked Amelia what she might like for Christmas. Her reply was “poo poo!” (followed by much guffawing). As Big-P pointed out, she is a true McCluskey-Robertson when it comes to her...



On the way home from a quick visit to the Museum this morning, Big-P let me out on Johnston Street to drop in on the newly established Zakkaya. While he and Amelia circled the...

P & P amongst the lettuces

P & P amongst the lettuces

Fridays are fast becoming my favourite day of the week. I have been working Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for the last little while and will be up until Christmas eve while Mum kindly looks...

I believe this

I believe this

“I believe it’s never too early – or too late – to start asking the questions: “What is it that really absorbs me?” and “What am I uniquely suited to being able to contribute...