January 2013
Drawing 29 out of 365
I’m working on some dolls at the moment. They look a bit like this. Stitching, knitting, stuffing, giving. Drawing them takes a lot less time than making them. They are labours of love and...
Drawing 28 of 365
Sketching like crazy… can’t quite get it. Some days I feel like the sketches are better than the finished pieces. I like this one. There is a lightness to it that my other, more...
Drawing 27 of 365
Still drawing — This weekend I spent a little time playing with the new Vine.co app. It really is a neat little thing to tack on to a twitter account. I will attempt to...
Drawing 23 of 365
Clearly this isn’t really a new image for today but just yesterday’s drawing finished up. As time goes on I am getting less fussed about the rules, as long as I am drawing every...
Drawing 22 of 365 – Work in Progress
Today’s drawing is a snippet from a work in progress. I am working on a series of illustrations based around kids and their imaginary friends. This is the beginning of a portrait of Lily...
Drawing 11 of 365
Illustration Friday – topic: Ocean. Plus a 13 year old style eyeroll:
Drawing 10 of 365
Just squeaked this one in. Animated kitty! Now that was fun.
Drawing 9 of 365
Here’s a doll left out in the garden to fend for herself and find a way back to her nice warm dollhouse. I really didn’t want to do this today; pages in my sketch...
Drawing 8 of 365
“Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world.” ― Voltaire Dancing beatniks with their favourite books. This is a bit of a cheat as...