Mame Wanko!
I could tell you the latest update from the real estate agent and how we suspect they might be trying to play us, but instead I will show you what I made last night:...
I could tell you the latest update from the real estate agent and how we suspect they might be trying to play us, but instead I will show you what I made last night:...
Sadly, it seems we have missed out on the house. The real estate agent called this morning to say that the owners wanted to wait and see if they could get a better offer...
We are still negotiating to buy the house. Unfortunately it seems a frivolous exercise because what we can pay is awfully low as compared to what they originally asked. So perhaps this one will...
My days are filled with phone calls to banks and lawyers and surveyors and real estate agents. Trying to buy a house gets more complicated with every turn. It seems to be hassle after...
The sleep thing is getting a bit better. Amelia only wakes a couple of times a night now and usually one of these is in the early evening before the rest of us go...
Amelia woke six times again the night before last, but we have a new plan. More exercise, more fresh air, no TV in the afternoons, no soy sauce ever (nights are much worse after...
At 4am this morning I got back into bed after tucking Amelia in for the forth time and thought 4 at 4am. By 5am it was up to 6. This has been going on...
This weekend was all rain and mud and puddles that tiny pink boots needed to stomp through. Excitingly enough we may have found a house to place an offer on. On Saturday morning we...
There are some days when we just shouldn’t craft. I am having one of those days today and here you can see the results. I started making a prototype for my cat doll based...
All this talk about eyes and cuteness has got me thinking about the attraction of cuteness – or “kawaii” as it is called in Japan where it has become such a huge phenomenon. I...