Sort of a review, but still all about me of course
Last Thursday night we had an (aforementioned) mini-tornado and then the power went out. I was forced away from my computer, my sewing machine and the tv. There was no baking to be done...
Last Thursday night we had an (aforementioned) mini-tornado and then the power went out. I was forced away from my computer, my sewing machine and the tv. There was no baking to be done...
Marshmallow rabbit, by lamp light. I have been working on little purple face today and it’s really good to get back to something I am just almost entirely content producing after spending so much...
Finally, after about 15 years of meaning to, we have finally bought a copy of The Go-Betweens 16 Lovers Lane. Such a good album. The heat is making my paints dry even quicker than...
Molly at Mollycoddle has had the most brilliant idea – a “Mini Swap” – a children’s swap of homemade and hand-me-down goodies between households around the world! The theme is “To brighten the winter(rainy...
Amelia spent the day with my Mum today so I met Dr. M to celebrate her birthday – lunch, movie and (mostly window) shopping in Prahran. I haven’t done this kind of thing for...
I have been watching Project Runway – and I want to know, is an overlocker all that and more? Should I be saving my pennies if I want to start making clothes? How hard...
Kitchen table, 4pm. For some bizarre reason, it seems like I am at my most inspired during or just before a thunderstorm in Summer. Why is that? Is it the strange light? The electricity...
This is not going to be a food blog. I am going to think about something else in the next few days besides my stomach – but until then these are my two favourite...
We’re back from the beach. It was a good, good week with lots of sandy legs and naps and books and scrabble. I was reading Julie & Julia and Nigella’s How to be a...
Around this time of year in 2001, I picked up The Artist’s Way and undertook the 12 week creativity course and came out the other end feeling so much better about the stuff I...