The pitter patter of tiny little feet
The Borrowers have moved in – idea taken directly from “We are not alone…(fairy doors)” (via designsponge).
The Borrowers have moved in – idea taken directly from “We are not alone…(fairy doors)” (via designsponge).
I skipped a week – last week would have been “the tired edition”… this week not so much. Energy is back and plots and plans are creeping in again. I’m a dreamer, like that...
How can you resist a title like that? I have been drawing dancing beatniks today, inspired almost completely by this scene from Funny Face. A bookish, shy girl goes to paris and expresses herself...
Back again with bits and pieces we have been seeing, thinking, feeling and doing around here. This week it’s all about the mini. Visiting:Miniature World in downtown Victoria (British Columbia). If you are (or...
donna wilson from uppercasemag on Vimeo. I love this video about Donna Wilson and her inspiring art and business. I am going off to make some creatures now. xx