Illustration Friday – Edge

A work in progress for today’s drawing (4 or 365!) and contribution to Illustration Friday. I just did a quick search and discovered that the last time I participated in Illustration Friday was 2004. I’m working in pencil to push myself – no command-z ! I just have to live with the bits I would otherwise delete or redo. Also – I notice that it’s time to build a light box and dust off my camera instead of relying on my phone.

How are you doing? Are you doing any crazy projects this year? My track record is pretty shaky when it comes to keeping up with long term projects like this but I needed some artistic discipline in my life. So far so good.

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2 Responses

  1. Pip says:

    I love this! I am not doing any crazy projects, because I always get sidetracked! Also, my hair looks like this today….

  2. Kirst says:

    Also loving the pencil (& the no command-z).I AM doing crazy projects but not everyday…

    -continuing the playing the hand series (I’m up to 87 now!)-working on my pics of the little guy (one a month)-starting a pic a week of my hands

    & I can’t wait to see you & catch up on all your news. xxx

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