Gingerbread days
Yesterday started out beautifully… good moods all round – music, gingerbread, jokes, laughing, quiet self-directed creative play etc etc. And then I made the mistake of letting Amelia – no, sorry, correction – actually...
Yesterday started out beautifully… good moods all round – music, gingerbread, jokes, laughing, quiet self-directed creative play etc etc. And then I made the mistake of letting Amelia – no, sorry, correction – actually...
This basket is currently in residence on our kitchen table. It makes me feel cheerful just looking at it. We have a bit of a Moomin craze going on at the moment. Big-P is...
I have a folder on my desk top called MISC which is a place where I quickly save images from the web which I find inspiring. It’s a little like the digital version of...
If I had lots of money to spend on ebay auctions…
Today was going to be my Christmas shopping day (trying to keep it to the minimum this year ) – but I couldn’t have picked a worse day weather-wise… Snow?! I have sent Amelia...
Every Tuesday for the last couple of terms Mum has been taking Amelia to a music class over in Canterbury. It’s singing and dancing and so on for little kids. Both Mum and Amelia...
Today there was so much rain! I haven’t got a huge amount to say today, but I found this poem which I like so here it is: I dwell in Possibility – A fairer...
A strange thing happened to me over the last 8 months or so. I forgot why we are living in this house. I forgot that we love it because it’s quirky. For some reason...
Paul and Christina have just left for home after a little pizza, a little Katamari and a lot of cutting and folding. We have been working on Christina’s packaging for some of her Blythe...
Today was a day spent cleaning and working but we finished with a walk to the park after an early dinner. Late Spring with it’s long days is very nice indeed. Late Spring, long...