November 2006

Gingerbread days

Gingerbread days

Yesterday started out beautifully… good moods all round – music, gingerbread, jokes, laughing, quiet self-directed creative play etc etc. And then I made the mistake of letting Amelia – no, sorry, correction – actually...

Moomin this, moomin that

Moomin this, moomin that

This basket is currently in residence on our kitchen table. It makes me feel cheerful just looking at it. We have a bit of a Moomin craze going on at the moment. Big-P is...

Some pics part 1

Some pics part 1

I have a folder on my desk top called MISC which is a place where I quickly save images from the web which I find inspiring. It’s a little like the digital version of...



If I had lots of money to spend on ebay auctions…

Pling plink pling pling plunk

Pling plink pling pling plunk

Today was going to be my Christmas shopping day (trying to keep it to the minimum this year ) – but I couldn’t have picked a worse day weather-wise… Snow?! I have sent Amelia...

West of the East and back home again

West of the East and back home again

Every Tuesday for the last couple of terms Mum has been taking Amelia to a music class over in Canterbury. It’s singing and dancing and so on for little kids. Both Mum and Amelia...

A quiet evening

A quiet evening

Today there was so much rain! I haven’t got a huge amount to say today, but I found this poem which I like so here it is: I dwell in Possibility – A fairer...

Interior motive

Interior motive

A strange thing happened to me over the last 8 months or so. I forgot why we are living in this house. I forgot that we love it because it’s quirky. For some reason...

Packing up

Packing up

Paul and Christina have just left for home after a little pizza, a little Katamari and a lot of cutting and folding. We have been working on Christina’s packaging for some of her Blythe...

In the swing

In the swing

Today was a day spent cleaning and working but we finished with a walk to the park after an early dinner. Late Spring with it’s long days is very nice indeed. Late Spring, long...