Crazy hair

The tree is trimmed, Amelia is in bed and in a minute it’s time to get back to some client work. This evening’s Advent Activity was “Give everyone crazy hair styles”. Amelia insisted on going to bed with her hair still like this, so who knows how comfortable she’ll be. There are more photos of this and our other activities over in my flickr advent set.

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15 Responses

  1. My daughter and a friend had a very successful stall at a fete a few weeks ago doing crazy hair. It was slow starting, but once the first few people had it done, it did really well. Amelia would make a good ad for it too!

  2. yup, she has grown! 🙂 love her hair. hee.. wish baby kristal will have long hair too.

  3. Aw, Amelia is so beautiful.

  4. says:

    ridiculously cute.

  5. says:

    wow! she has such an infectious smile!!

  6. Loving the Crazy Hair! For me, every day is crazy hair day….seriously!

  7. oh my! isn’t she growing up!!

  8. says:

    Soo cute! You must be very proud! 🙂

  9. What a great advent idea! You are such a fun parent.

  10. That little face is just bone crushingly sweet!

  11. Oooh, your daughter is so cute. What a beautiful child!!!

  12. what a lovely girl! she’s so cute… I wish my daughter let me do more of the crazy hair style on her… She only likes hair clips !