umm… hi
Wow – I love a bit of drama hey? I feel much better today. Thank you for all the amazingly lovely and considered comments. I was in warm fuzzy heaven. I promise to return to our regular fluffy programming shortly.
Wow – I love a bit of drama hey? I feel much better today. Thank you for all the amazingly lovely and considered comments. I was in warm fuzzy heaven. I promise to return to our regular fluffy programming shortly.
Cool site. Love the artwork!
Hee hee, I love fluffy the bunny’s tie! too cute. Glad you’re feeling better about yourself today, have a great weekend..
I’m so glad you got warm fuzzies. You’ve always given me that feeling, Claire! Thanks! I would be visiting here more often, but I’ve recently had a bad bout of mania/depression with my bipolar disorder. Yet it’s been much better already. I love that you have finally started working on your new house! Whee! You amaze me and have for about 3 years now.Hey to all other Loobylu regulars! I miss this blog too!! Wahhhhhh!!
Love the bunny. Love the blog..the reason I started up mine. Merci.
I am always ready for an escape into the Fluffy. Fire away.
xoxo Kay
im so glad fluffy is back! hope the warm fuzzies helped.
Everyone needs to let loose sometimes.
Love that bunny. 🙂
Fluffy is just adorable. I have loved seeing your home and cannot wait to see the “after” photos. It actually looks very cute, and makes me jealous that I don’t have an ugly hot tub. 🙂
I am a fan of your site and the toys u make. They are really cute. Is it just a hobby or u sell them as well??.
Have a nice weeekend. 🙂
Sending you good vibes all the way from Portugal :)This is one cute illustration!
Moving is supposed to be one of the most stressful things one can go through in life – it’s right up there with divorce and death. It’s natural that your nervous…nd excited all at once.
I don’t blame you for feelin a little worried about Ameila and you as well. I think you might be surprised though. You might decide you like to do things at your own pace, your own way, with your own stuff!
I can understand the worry about being alone with a toddler. Having Soy working at home during Nell’s babyhood has been the difference between calmly soothing a baby and sobbing on the floor (as I did with Zac). Motherhood is hard. It’s not you, it’s the job.
You’ve been very lucky to have your folks to fall back on during the last two years, but having your own space will have its own rewards. And caring for a toddler gets easier and more rewarding all the time. It won’t be like it was in the early days. You’ll be fine. And if you drop the ball now and then, that’s part of the game too.
It seems to me that you are very good at motherhood! We need more self evaluating, introspective moms in the world!
Cute bunny
I am a bit late on this topic, but I had my mother live with me for the first two years of my first child’s life. I loved the extra support sure there were some times when we clashed heads, but I have never felt a natural at this motherhood thing so I needed the extra support. I was bereft when she left (desserted me!) With number 2 child I feel I am truly doing it on my own, and it’s not too bad I am enjoying what I learned from my first experience and learning some more too. Ultimately ” it’s all good” as the saying goes I think that’s what you will find too.
I am glad you are feeling better, and I too look forward to seeing you work your magic on your home!
Well i think its normal to be worried about being alone with your toddler but that too will have it’s benefits. My kids are 28 and 27 now and when i look back on the toddler years …the incessant chatter, the puddle jumping…the cute and wise observations i long for those simpler times! My kids drove me nuts then but also they were my little zen teachers. I have such fond memories of those days. You will too! It’s all good and it’s just part of life!’Sending you warm and happy fuzzys!
Love, Violette
Hi Claire,
I’ve been taking an extended break from the blogging world, but this morning I was drawn to your site just to see what you’ve been up to. It is so magical to look in on a person after some time has passed (maybe a whole year, I think!) and see how much they’ve done in that time. I am so happy to read about your new house and how Amelia has grown and how you’re handling motherhood. And your drawings! Your style has really developed into something amazing and perfect…not that I didn’t love what you were doing before, but your work now is so sophisticated (in the best way!). That wee blue bird with the red flowers made me gasp a little. I want that on MY wall!
You make me want to do this journal thing again, you know. 🙂
All my best,
x Anna in New York
What a cute bunny!
I have been reading your blog since I moved to the USA 5 years ago. I come here for home comfort (I too am from Melbourne). Reading and seeing you grow into motherhood has been wonderful. It feels good to know I am not the only one who feels this way. My mother came to visit me when M was born. For one whole month she took over as the mother while I recouperated from a hard pregnancy. When she left it was like I stepped through the door leading to the twilight zone. I missed her more than ever. I got through it and now I can’t imagine not having alone time with M. She is 4 now and one hellofva spunky kid.
This August I am returning home to Melbourne with family in tow. I too will have the house hunting and living with parents once again stories. Thanks for putting this blog out there. It really helped me through some low homesick times.