Illustration Friday – Cling

Another week has flown by… Here is this week’s illustration for Penelope’s Illustration Friday. Click image for bigger version.

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19 Responses

  1. Just beautiful, Claire. You have captured the emotion so well.

  2. another lovely illustration!

  3. That’s lovely Claire 🙂

  4. That’s great. They look cozy and content. The texture and little details (hair highlights and flowers) make this gorgeous. Very lovely.

  5. says:

    You old romantic you! : )

  6. Beautiful! I adore your illustrations!

  7. Captures my feelings on Friday night perfectly.

  8. Claire, what a romantic picture. You’ve made me go all soppy at the thought of my boy 🙂
    Now you’ve got your Gocco, have you considered selling some of your illustrations as prints? I know there have been quite a few that I wish I could have hanging on my wall…

  9. Claire, I love the sentiment in this piece! It makes me wanna give someone a hug 🙂

  10. Ack, I wanted to do an Illustration Friday this week and totally forgot about it. Oh well. I love yours.
    I received my Loobylu Christmas Cards, they are BEAUTIFUL. Thank you!

  11. I LOVE THIS! I agree with Nicky, is there a chance you would print these up? As a redhead I’m always taken with the redheaded pictures…your illustrations are great. BEautiful.

  12. Lovely! It reminds me of an old 1950s print.

  13. Oh, this is beautiful, the illustration and the emotion it invokes!

  14. What an immensely sweet illustration! It holds so much meaning and really tells its own tale.