Elephant countdown
There is one day left of November which means there is only one day left until all elephant photos need to be submitted to the Month of Softies! I don’t know about you… but I am feeling slightly panicked. My elephant friend is finished but she is yet to be accessorised and I am still determined to make roller skates. I know that there are a lot of people feeling very unpanicked having already finished their elephants. I know this because I have just finished doing a thumbnail gallery of the entries so far and each and everyone is gorgeous and special in it’s own way. I can’t wait to share them. If you are still stitching (or crafting in other ways) I am looking forward to receiving your emails soon. If you are feeling like your elephant looks weird and you don’t want to send it in, please be reassured that the elephants I have received so far come from folks who have never picked up a needle before to folks who have their own homewares range. There is even an elephant made from a drink bottle and some paper cups (who is most amusing and comes from the Box office staff at Cirque du Soleil in Texas!). So take heart and join in the big elephant family.
Final exams, work and house moving got in the way of elephants ๐
Maybe next month.
You had a great idea Claire! I can’t wait to see what everyone created!!!
That’s right. I just broke out three question marks (and in a row no less!) because THAT is how excited I am.
wow Claire Iยดm so excited with the MOnth of softies ^^ hehe but I have to accesorize mine before sending to you ^^ hehe. Hope I can finish it tomorrow in the evening after work ;).
I didn’t have time to make one, but I am *so* looking forward to seeing what everyone else did!
Claire, I think you get a few bonus days due to all the work you put into the organization of the project. The illustration on the softies website is gorgeous (as they all are!).
Not to mention, no one else will know…
I am so excited to see all the elephant creations! I had a sneak peak at some yesterday by googling “a month of softies” but then i had to stop and tell myself that it’ll be much more fun looking at the gallery today/tomorrow. Fabulous idea Claire!
I can’t wait!I can’t wait!
I can’t wait!
I wanna see elephants!