Room to move

We finally moved Lily’s great big chunky change table out of her room today and over to the nursery of a soon-to-be-born baby who will be living just a few streets away. It’s left a great big lovely gap which was quickly filled by a dollhouse that was looking for a home and suddenly lots of inspired play. I love how a room rearrange can bring on squeals of delight, spontaneous dancing and some friendly, sisterly pre-dinner play time.

Do you remember Lily’s room? It’s looking much nicer these days. Next project is to find a new “big” bed ready for Lily to vacate her cot so that we can hand that on too. I am having fantasies about a vintage style wrought iron bed painted red (a la Cath Kidston – c 2006) – but that might have to be moderated somewhat. White would do just fine.

Over the last few months we’ve been throwing around the idea of moving house – ideally we’d like something a little closer to school so the girls can eventually walk, something with a bit more light, something dream-house-like. But of course, now it looks like the wrong time to be moving house on a whim so now instead it’s Operation Nest… After three and a half years it’s time to turn this house into OUR house and stop whinging about its quirks of which it has many and embrace them fully. Quirks are cool. Stay tuned.

* * *

Children’s Rooms Copenhagen – new title from Paumes. Mmm nice.

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16 Responses

  1. Viv says:

    Ikea also do a wrought iron extendable kids’ bed in white (and black but no red!). Extends to an adult size eventually and has inobtrusive guards at the side to stop your little one rolling out of her new bed. Bought one for my daughter and she loves it – and so do I.

  2. Tiel S-K says:

    sounds like big changes ahead. it is nice to hear that you have someone nearby to give some of the furniture to. happy playing.

  3. Christie says:

    it is funny how moving things about can get the kids to play with toys they had forgotten aboutlove the toy stove, where did you get it from?

  4. Andi says:

    A red wrought iron bed would look amazing in that bedroom.You’ve got me thinking about my kids’ bedroom and how I might re-arrange some things to (hopefully) generate some squeals and dancing and happy play.Happy decorating!!Andi 🙂

  5. Jo says:

    I followed the links back to see your original “third bedroom” and then the junk hub – and now it looks picture perfect. You’re giving me lots of hopeful thoughts about my own place. And I don’t think you ever stop nesting – this is my twentiest year here and we still regularly rearrange rooms – someday it will all turn out right!

  6. shannon says:

    For iron beds, Im telling you – A-Z something or other in colac. I bought ours for $30. Yes, thats correct $30…OK its pretty high and she hits the floorboards pretty hard when she rolls off but goddamn its god lookin’.

  7. FreshMD says:

    I bought one of those antique wrought-iron beds on (Vancouver) Craigslist for $40 last year. I had the rust sandblasted off and then had it powdercoated white for under $200. It’s gorgeous.

  8. Jen says:

    Do you have Ikea over in Oz yet? Ah yes, you do – but not sure how close it is to you. Anyway. They do the most gorgeous iron day-bed that would work well with your skills – a bit of red enamel paint and you’ll be away! I love the inferred scroll hearts on this bed.The bed’s name is Meldal.

  9. Oh, I love colored wrought iron. We have so many flea markets and thrift stores out here that carry that sort of thing sans paint. Something about much that is red vintage in the US is also lead-based, so they power wash the heck out of the pieces, first. At any rate, good luck with your search–can’t wait to see the results!

  10. Lori says:

    so true – their space has an amazing effect on what they do!the room looks beautiful! :^)

  11. Lucy says:

    Hi Claire…So sorry to hear about your Pneumonia and Japan cancellation! Agggh. How awful. I’m sure you will get there very soon.

    I emailed you a little while ago to request an interview for my Melbourne-based design-blog…? It probably came through in the midst of illness, in which case I can imagine such requests would be the furthest thing from your mind! if you have a chance to think about it I would really love to feature your work on my site!

    Thanks so much, Lucy 🙂

  12. Fiona says:

    Lily’s room is looking so lovely! Did you see the red iron bed in the last issue of Inside Out? It was a little pricey, but nice inspiration. Ummm, page 64 if you’ve got it. I’ll email you a picture if you don’t and you’re interested. 🙂

  13. librarygirl says:

    Not talking about beds unlike everyone else!We moved 3 and a half years ago and one of the wishes was for the kids to walk to school.We achieved this beautifully – one kid walks 500 metres in one direction to the primary school and the other about 300 metres in the opposite direction to the good local high school. They are in grade five and year 8, but the younger one didn’t walk unaccompanied until grade 4. So meanwhile I would enjoy your current house and make it your own until your kids are a bit bigger…. even until closer to secondary school…. I must say I love the freedom of waving them off and them walking home. All the local kids around us do the same.(Incidentally we live in the same municipal area as you I believe!)

  14. Lynda says:

    Hi Clare, Lily’s room looks like it’s evolving into a lovely little girl’s room. We have the same stove and love it! On the house/home issue, this might sound a bit flippant, but would spending around $50K on your house make it a home? That’s usually the minimum that evaporates when you buy and sell. Then you could save yourself all the grief (where do I start) and besides, you could get to a new house and it also may not be ‘home’.Love reading your blog!

  15. Isn’t it exciting (not to mention a little exhausting) seeing a room evolve like this?I myself have recently began turning a study into a baby’s room. It took a few months to get there, and even now there are still a few things to do, such as fixing up the cupboard space which is admittedly still in a sad state. Well, we have just under 3 months to sort it out before our baby arrives.

    You can see the developing room on my baby blog:

  16. Oh, what a pretty and peaceful place to live! By the way, I really admire the work that you do!

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