Litten Kitten – Rose
I have just finished Rose — she is a gift for Nikki who was so incredibly kind and generous and hosted my exhibition for the last 6 weeks in her shop – Hudson Clothes (229 Carlisle St Balaclava 3183). Her shop is great and, if you can, you should definitely drop in.
Also – my thoughts are with Amy, creator of the beautiful Lumplings. I hope all goes well for you and your family. xx.
so sweet!!!! I love her polka dots!
That may be my favorite one yet! Very cute. 🙂
She is so cute, I just love those kittens! Thank you so much for the gorgeous print as well, we just put it up in the playroom this weekend…
aww! nikki is a lucky gal! rose is just darling.
i love the little rose cat!!!! actually, I don’t think there is anything that you’ve made that I haven’t liked. I am working on a sock monkey thanks for the inspiration!!!!!!how do you part with the great stuff you make?????
very very cute! you have that magic touch claire!
Claire, I picked up my little pear on Sunday and she has found a very “pride of place” spot of my bookshelf. I was intending to use her when i first resevered her, but once I picked her up I couldn’t bring myself to stick needles and pins in her, far too adorable! Thankyou, hopefully next time round I’ll be able to afford a print or two.
My partner came home with a surprise last night – he bought one of your Hudson prints for me! I’m very excited about it. Can’t wait to have it framed…
Hello. Where oh where can I find one of your toys for purchase? Can I order one from you directly? Regarding Little Kitten Rose, my wife says “I want it!” Thanks, Andy
Hello! I also would like to know where I can purchase one of your kitties. Can I purchase from you directly? Will you be putting more on Ebay? I’m sorry that I missed it last time. I am in love with your creations!!Thanks!
I too am very interested in purchasing some of your kittens. They are just adorable! Please e-mail me at the above address.I have no ability what so ever when it comes to sewing, so I am in awe of your talent.
looks like a cookie or something you could eat…so cute!