
I don’t usually play favourites with A Month of Softies, but if you missed it, you must have a look at this one. Here’s the website where you can read all about Mr Buttons.

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8 Responses

  1. my goodness, i got such a shock. how amazing is that monkey.

  2. Hi Claire,I’ve been eyeing off that green & black’s chocolate on your site for a while now. Can you tell me where you get it in Melbourne??

  3. says:

    what a cool monkey..I was laughing at all of the photos. But what a great community project..surely there is a fundraising campaign that could use him???

  4. Well thats the spunkiest monkey I’ve ever seen!

  5. Oh my gawd! They must be giants socks!!

  6. Ohhhhh What a great project! Wouldnt he be something in a childrens hospital!!