
Yesterday Amelia J moved across the floor! She still can’t crawl but she did what is known as a bum-shuffle. While still sitting upright she used her legs to move herself across the carpet towards an enticing toy. She hasn’t done it again so perhaps it was a one off but it was pretty amusing to witness. To check out a simple demonstration of the shuffle, click on the image above.

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20 Responses

  1. Oh, that’s great! The “Bum Shuffle Demo” just really brightened my day!

  2. just needs a soundtrack and you’ve got a hit on your hands, I think.

  3. says:

    i did the bum shuffle, except my mother called it the bum crawl. I never did crawl properly as a child. My twin sister on the other hand did indeed crawl good and proper.

  4. Almost time to have to lock her away from the “boys”. I hear Big-P is polishing his gun

  5. Almost! But I hope she isn’t bum shuffling out the door to go on dates when she’s 16 (15? 13? When do kids start dating??). That would just be weird.

  6. how exciting 🙂

  7. aww.. lol. how cute!

  8. You know, I think they should name a dance after this little manouvre!

  9. I love it when babies start to move – they get so creative about how they get around, and they discover so many things!

  10. What a cutie! Does she move that fast? She must have good balance. 🙂

  11. AH! first time visitor…this site is soooo cute. i love it!!!

  12. says:

    *giggling* toooo cute!

  13. You are so talented!(also love the term “bum shuffle”…)

  14. how absolutely adorable. go amelia j!

  15. Next dance party movement: the bum shuffle.At a meeting: let’s bum-shuffle this issue.
    To my SO: I will subtly approach you from unexpected angles, or I would simply bum-shuffle you.
    You are the best, Claire.

  16. says:

    i “bum-shuffled” when i was a baby. instead of crawling, i scooted around on my little bum and was pretty fast!

  17. i was a bum-shuffler as a child. my mother felt my activities kept the wooden floors polished.

  18. The bum shuffle is a time honored move for me. Every time I’m in a house with a long carpeted straight staircase I am overcome by the desire to bum shuffle down the stairs. I guess that makes me a big freak. *grin*

  19. says:

    she is the cutest! quick question though, what font are you using in that bum shuffle jpg. i have been trying to find that font for the longest time. is it a mac thing?

  20. The font is silkscreen. There is a link on the right of the main loobylu page to it.