
Last baby photo, I promise, but I did say I was going to show you her great disco hair… 10.30 am today. Sleep is good.

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131 Responses

  1. congratulations claire!She’s lovely. Ro baby slept great the first week but weeks 2 – 8 were very dismal. I hope you have a good sleeper on your hands. Looking forward to future illos with little boo.

  2. Awww, I haven’t been here in awhile and this just perked me right up 😀
    She’s adorable 🙂

  3. Hooray for disco hair! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
    I’m 26, and I still have a do like that.

  4. pcdebb@hotmail.com says:

    cute as a button! LOL and I didnt notice the “disco hair” until it was mentioned!

  5. What a little spunk she is!!! Gorgeous disco babe.Congrats!

  6. What a head of hair – and a gorgeous little mouth.
    Don’t stop posting the baby photos… I could look at them all day. (Did someone say clucky??)

  7. woohoo how sweet!
    congratulations for that little princess.

  8. desb@primus.com.au says:

    She appears destined to be a female rock musician. Congratulations!

  9. What a babe! You’ll have to put bars on the windows when she turns 13…

  10. Oh my dearie me! She’s absolutely gorgeous!!! So peaceful. Congratz! 🙂

  11. contralto@hot_mail.com says:

    she’s absolutely gorgeous 🙂 Congratulations and thank you for sharing her pics with us!

  12. citrus@pixigirl.nu says:

    I love her hair!

  13. merleb@mac.com says:

    she’s just beautiful! and clearly well behaved…

  14. Okay, I’m not fooled. Where’s the photo of her yelling her little lungs out?
    Congratulations and grab the sleep while you can.

  15. tony.moran@staffordshire.gov.uk says:

    Far more hair than me already – I’m jealous!

  16. j.ketchion@student.qut.edu.au says:


  17. grandefille_2000@yahoo.com says:

    I suggest arranging an apprenticeship with Chrissie Hynde posthaste.

    All the love in the world for you three (and especially little Thumbelina).

  18. did she throw the electric guitar out of the crib already? 🙂 she’s beautiful! congratulations!

  19. Last? what do you mean, “last”?

  20. What do you mean “last baby photo”…?! There must be more! We require a PLETHORA of pictures of your wee princess!!! Lots of love,

  21. ecorbett@netcommander.com says:

    she is an exceptionally cute baby. (And I am someone not generally moved by babies). The spiky baby chicken hair is precious.

  22. Congrats from Brazil! Your baby girl is such a cute pinky child!:)

  23. Congratulations! Isn’t it strange when babies are born with a full head of hair and a ready made hairstyle!

  24. oooo…. She looks like a cute little hedgehog. Like one of Anne Geddes’ babies. 🙂 Congratulations!

  25. She is gorgeous! And that hair just rawks–congratulations and welcome, li’l boo!

  26. Such a beautiful little moppet!!! More pictures please!!!

  27. she’s soo cute!!..or is she a he? hmm.. nonetheless, the cutest thing i’ve ever seen. =ooogles=

  28. q@queso.com says:

    Congratulations! She is *beautiful* — as we say in the pediatric clinic, she’s got an exceedingly high QQ (cuteness quotient).
    Have a blast… this is the fun part!

  29. don’t stop posting baby pictures! we all want to adore amelia from afar. besides, loobylu is *your* life, and all these people love to read about it – baby pictures and all!and claire – she’s the most beautiful baby i’ve seen in a long time.

  30. she will be such a pretty little girl when she grows up 🙂

  31. a@a.com says:

    she is GORGEOUS! mazel tov, claire & big p!

  32. a cutiepie she is, disco hair and all! i have one request though, i’d like to see a pic with her eyes open…but i guess babies are cuter when they are sleeping 😉
    so good work, mummy dearest…you did good…one cute hip looking superstar in the making u got there!

  33. Ok, I’m jealous. I didn’t have hair until I was 2! LOL What a cutie! Congrats!

  34. Oh my GAWD, she’s goregous! I hadn’t seen the first photo until today, and oh my. There aren’t words 🙂 Congrats!

  35. Oh my goodness, don’t make this the last baby picture! I love her disco hair – had a few of those myself hehehe! She is lovely. I can just smell her. 😉

  36. Yes, I was just over in the other entry, but I had to say that the disco hair is fab. So cute!

  37. She is soo adorable! Congratulations!

  38. What an adorable sweetie! I love the hair!!

  39. robin@in2art.com says:

    yes, how can we be vouyeristic without pictures? More, please.
    She is a doll. I am so happy for you.

  40. Look at that hair! Oh she’s just adorable! I’m so happy for you. Can’t wait to see more photos.

  41. she is just adorable – her hair is the best! please don’t make this the last photo! i love baby photos.
    congrats again! i hope she’s letting you sleep.

  42. She is sooooo beautiful, but then you knew that already.

  43. Amelia is beautiful – I love her hair, and I love her name, too. Please don’t stop posting pictures – she’s adorable… Congratulations to all three of you!

  44. Oooh, so much hair for such a young ‘un! She’s adorable! You have good reason to be proud of her. 😀 More piccies, please!

  45. she’s like a miniature laurie anderson! i’ll add my voice to the request for more pictures, not less!

  46. powercoww@hotmail.com says:

    that is by far the most beautiful baby i have ever seen!! glad everything went well for you and your family.. she’s a very lucky little girl!

  47. minnie0302@hotmail.com says:

    Oh, please don’t stop posting pics of Amelia. She’s so adorable! 🙂

  48. Oh, oh, she’s adorable. Congratulations to you both!

  49. sfg@peak.org says:

    Wow, what a head of hair! She *is* a cutie.
    Strange thing, I just found out a friend had a baby a couple of weeks ago and also named her little one Amelia!

  50. vilija@vilija.net says:

    Absolutely precious! Congratulations!

  51. Get some of that spikey hair gel and an electric guitar and she’ll be set! My daughter was bald until she was 5 months old so I’m quite envious!!

  52. I love babies, I want four of my own (once I am old enough!). Anyway, do *NOT* stop posting pictures, she’s gorgeous. I think you should nickname her Spike because that’s what her hair looks like. She has longer hair than my brother, and he’s not a newborn. He’s 13. LOL. 🙂

  53. claire! she is beautiful. congratulations!

  54. There are people who work very hard to have hair like that. Amelia’s obviously a natural!

  55. Too, too darling!!! And it looks like she’ll save a fortune on hair styling products. What a lucky girl!

  56. Awww, she’s such a gem! 😀 Congrats!!

  57. Please, as others have said, don’t tell us this is the last baby photo you’ll post– we can’t get enough of little Amelia! She’s so precious.Please, post away! 🙂

  58. Awwww so precious! Congrats!

  59. femmeinist@hotmail.com says:

    aww.. shes so adorable. just make a whole site dedicated to photos of her; shes too cute. 😀

  60. How absolutely adorable. 🙂

  61. Don’t stop posting photos! Amelia is so gorgeous, isn’t it unbelievable that she’s finally here?

  62. usually i dont think new borns are the cute, you know wrinkly face and red, but she is ADORABLE! Congratulations!

  63. I add my voice to the others…more baby photos please! 🙂
    She’s so sweet and just looking at her makes me smile. Love the hair!

  64. wistfulgirl@visi.com says:

    awww… what a sweetie with that rosebud mouth! keep the pictures coming so we can ooh and ahhh over her. :o) she’s adorable!

  65. dwood@opentv.com says:

    you’ve got yourselves a real live angel there!!!!
    appreciate, enjoy and love!

    thanks for sharing.

  66. woo hoo, miss claire. i was wondering how it all went. congratulations to you and big p and welcome to the world, ameila

  67. I hope you can find the time for a baby illustration soon, but I guess sleep is more important!
    Samf was born with lots of hair. It never fell out like they said it would, but it did get a lot lighter.

    That’s a nice looking chest of drawers, btw.

  68. oh my! your baby is sooo adorable 😀

  69. murasaki_star@yahoo.com says:

    What a beautiful baby! 😀

  70. Is that the sweetest thing I have seen all day or what? Take a break from creating all that sugar and, well, just breathe…

  71. SOOO CUTE!!! I want one… “Maybe when you are older.” Fine, I’ll wait!

  72. Wow. You do good work. Now get some sleep yourself.

  73. dawnfaerie@hotmail.com says:

    Adorable! Especially the disco hair! And you wouldn’t be so cruel as to stop with only two pics, would you?

  74. tamara@theyard.ie says:


  75. ohhhhhhhhhhh, that is DEFINITE disco hair. Amelia is too luscious! We had the best meeting at work today, our designer brought in her 3 month old baby girl jasmine to sit in, and i just sat there playing with her teensy feet!

  76. genny@hotmail.com says:

    oh how cute… what a head of hair!

  77. oh wow!that’s the best-est disco hair!


    so cute!

  78. congrats! so a cute little thing 🙂

  79. becky@mybluehouse.com says:

    What a beautiful baby! Congratulations to you both 🙂

  80. seejanereed@earthlink.net says:

    This had better *not* be the last baby photo…maybe a section for those of us who need more… Amelia is a beautiful love, she’s even cuter than my baby! Shocking that I could say that, but it’s true.

  81. hmstone@aol.com says:

    Oh….she is so sweet. A virtual kiss for Amelia and congratulations to you both! Can’t wait for more pictures.

  82. kittenish@netzero.com says:

    She is adorable! She has a better hairstyle than I do.Keep the pics coming.

  83. am@speaky.org says:

    how cute! i was born with that much hair, all black, but it fell out after a few weeks, and then i grew back blonde hair! so don’t be alarmed if her hairstyle changes 🙂 congrats on the beautiful healthy little girl. can’t wait to hear more.

  84. She’s so beautiful! Your greatest work of art yet. I feel quite teary.

  85. Quite the little movie star. Was she born with lipstick and dark sunglasses? That pout looks dangerous.

  86. Congratulations again! I can’t resist not to comment on how completely darling your baby girl is! Oh so so adorable!

  87. six30@diaryland.com says:

    Aah…She’s the sweetest thing. And such great hair!

  88. brian@dtdesign.com says:

    Word gets around quick Claire, and congratulations are certainly in order.
    Go easy on the hair wax though, I think she’s a little young.

  89. sky_suns@hotmail.com says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! She’s adorable! 🙂

  90. What a cutie!!!!!!! You must be SO proud :o) Congratulations, and keep the pics coming! Please! hehe

  91. Congratulations. She is, as everyone else has said, truly adorable.
    The time capsule idea is such a good one.

  92. What a beautiful little person you have there. Congratulations Claire.

  93. Aww what a beautiful bundle of joy. I do love the hair. 🙂 Congratulations.

  94. What a precious baby….

  95. wow – that hair is fantastic! 🙂
    she’s so gorgeous.


  96. elffle@yahoo.com says:

    Congratulations! Please don’t stop with the pictures!

  97. Absolutely the sweetest thing on earth…keep them coming Claire.
    I wish the best for all of you. It is a beautiful sight.

  98. a@a.com says:

    She’s so pretty! 🙂

  99. althyanospam@htomail.com says:

    Awww. Great picture. Amelia is lovely. 🙂

  100. so cute!!! 🙂 Amelia, the baby and the name, is beautiful. 🙂 congratulations loobylu! i love your wall paper.

  101. she’s absolutely beautiful!!

  102. Wow, what a gorgeous child!! She’s SOO BEAUTIFUL! AND I LOVE HER NAME! Congratulations you guys :)…Happy birthday Amelia!

  103. tlsoc@bellsouth.net says:

    She’s so gorgeous, and more is always better when it comes to baby pictures, I think.

  104. smellebelle@yahoo.com says:

    Ooh Looby, she’s the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen.
    Congrats Mum and Dad!

  105. xnay on the ceasing of posting baby photos! She’s an absolutely beautiful baby – good work!

  106. enuwyteo@yahoo.com says:

    Hey that’s a really beautiful baby you have there! 🙂
    I just realised this, but I’ve been following 2 pregnancies in the last few months – yours, and that of a cmoic characters. Deanna from ‘for better or for worse’ (http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/forbetter/index.html) just had a daughter as well. funny huh?

    Take care and please please continue with the site and uploading pictures! I love your website. 🙂

  107. n@n.no says:

    What a darling 🙂 Congratulations!

  108. oh, beautiful!…I was gone, away from the computer for a week and see, a miracle happened here. Congratulations to all three of you. Oh, how wonderful.

  109. congratulations claire, she’s gorgeous :]
    you’ve made me all broody for one of my own! lol.

    You should be immensely proud :]

  110. who needs hair gel? 😀

  111. what a cutie! you won’t need a hairdresser for that!

  112. She’s absolutely beautiful! What a sweet little face. CONGRATULATIONS!

  113. She so cute. Congratulations on your little one. It is incredibly awesome to bring such a special gift to this world. You have a lot to look forward to and to learn by love. – Two dorks from the U.S.

  114. donnadenim@yahoo.com says:


  115. slegates@yahoo.com says:

    If you don’t post pics of your flamboyantly coiffed little person holding those amazing felt toys, I feel it will be necessary to travel to Oz to see it for myself. We’re very voyeuristic here in the states, you know, we have to look at everything! I send you peace for your first weeks with this new life.

  116. sonia@lakotapixel.com says:

    she’s so amazingly precious looking. i hope to see more pictures soon, maybe when she’s even awake!

  117. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! 4.5 months of waiting for me.

  118. And what a head of hair she has! Congradulations and have fun with your new boo.

  119. carrot soup rocks!!

  120. wow! tim from sonik just told me you had a baby – she is soooo cute..aww… well done!!:)
    em x

  121. wow, thats a lot of hair!

  122. LOL Her hair ROCKS!!!! She looks so adorable and peaceful there… Post away!! She is a beautiful girl…just like you 🙂 **Hugs**

  123. What a little cutie!! I love her hair!! I can’t wait to see more pics of the disco diva in training!

  124. She is so beautiful. I love watching little babies sleep. I wonder what they dream about?

  125. what a lovely baby! gotta love her wild hair, looks so cool :P/me smiles

  126. lil_mon9@hotmail.com says:

    *sigh* She’s lovely!!! How wonderful to have that little sleeping beauty around you all the time! =o)

  127. shubunkin101@yahoo.co.uk says:

    Outrageously cute…congrats.

  128. yael_snir@hotmail.com says:

    crikey! she’s gorgeous! :]