Wild rumpus by the sea

I have a resolution for 2004 which is to make all presents and so far it’s going pretty well… Above is a very easy felt beastie inspired by Max and Where the Wild Things Are for little Miss R who turned 3 on Friday. It’s a bit weird but she didn’t scream or cry or anything when she opened it which must be a good sign. I have more in the works which will hopefully be a little less scary.

We had a too short weekend down at the beach with some good pals and our wonder hosts Nic and Jud. We were lucky enough to have a couple of days of amazing blue sky weather which seems a rarity this summer. The sand was warm and fine and from the balcony we watched rabbits in the grass around us and boats bobbing on the waves over the dunes. On the way down we crunched the car into another car (minor but annoying) which kind of put a little bit of a stress shadow over the weekend, but all the babies were very well behaved and no one punched anyone else out over our game of Pictionary on Saturday night, so you could say the weekend was a grand success.

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21 Responses

  1. Dianne@rigdonia.com says:

    I love it! Fabulous and I knew who it was right off. I love that book.

  2. amazing! oh what a beautiful guy… and obviously australian… this pocket in the back… lovely.

  3. Such cute little beastie!!! You are so talented!Bianca

  4. Ooooo so cute… can you make a penguin? I’m looking for penguins.

  5. Have you considered making toys for sale???I’d buy them in a heartbeat.

  6. How adorable!! I know how you feel, I’m not feeling friendly towards cars at the moment either.

  7. Pictionary is a stupid game.

  8. HA!! I think it’s a brilliant game and brilliant people seem to win.

  9. Seriously, could that BE cuter??? You are sooo talented, thanks for sharing!!

  10. That’s adorable! I love it!

  11. Hooray for stick figures! As long as you have the handy “sounds-like” symbol up your sleeve, you can win any game of Pictionary.

  12. That is so wonderful! He is in his element!

  13. Let the wild rumpus start!

  14. amymlehr@yahoo.com says:

    Yep..I knew him instantly too! He’s really sweet and cool.Good luck to you in the gift-making department. I’ve learned my lesson well…which is “add about 3 weeks on to the time I THINK it’s going to take me to make a gift for someone”. I’m STILL backlogged from Christmas!!!

  15. susanwuest@telia.com says:

    very very cute, claire! is the face embroidered or did you use fabric paint (or some other way)?

  16. Ah! He is so cute! Please let me know ASAP if you start selling them. Excellent job!

  17. what is it about Pictionary that leads normally sane and rational people to want to attack their fellow players. I too have had a scarily competitive pictionary experience recently…

    [he he]

  18. I love the Max doll. I’d agree with the earlier comment – Loobylu dolls would be smashing! 🙂

  19. jennifervallez@yahoo.com says:

    and you sew too?!
    so cute! i want a loobylu doll. i would buy it in a minute.

  20. min@swisscheesed.com says:

    Do you have a pattern? I would love to make some for the babies in my life.

  21. lexavon@hotmail.com says:

    I also recognized Max as soon as I saw him, “let the wild rumpus begin” actually flashed past me. Love Pictionary, I have limited drawing skills but I’m a great little lateral thinker & get by very well on my stick figures & ‘sounds likes’. So yes i agree, it is a great game for clever people !