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My Loobylu Holiday Cards are now on sale!
Please be aware that the prices are in US dollars and that shipping (and GST for Australian residents) will be charged on top.

Hope you like ’em, and if you buy two or more packs, you will get a special free loobylu sticker. Please let me know what you think. All feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Big, big thanks goes to Jez and Daniel from Segpub… who are not only awesome hosts, but the most diligent, talented and friendly coding folks around.

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29 Responses

  1. They’re beautiful! Congrats!

  2. says:

    Whee! They are so cool! I am so excited for my special list who gets loobylu cards this year!

  3. Yay! They look fabulous, Claire.

  4. Oh! They’re so amazing! I wish I could have a set of coffee cups with your fabulous holiday designs! Congratulations!!!

  5. I bought enough for everyone on my Christmas card list but I don’t want to send them because they’ll all be gone. Maybe I’ll just horde them for a few years instead.

  6. Ohhhhh…. They look wonderful, Claire. Congratulations.

  7. says:

    I’ve got mine! They look great Claire… Merry Christmas(and Happy Holidays, already)

  8. ohh, the cards are wonderful!

  9. says:

    just gorgeous.

  10. says:

    They give me goosebumps! I love them!

  11. says:

    Hey Angie has a really good idea…

  12. says:

    i can’t wait for them to come!!!! they are soooo cute! i love ’em! i love ’em!

  13. claire, they are so awesome! do they have a message inside or are they blank? thanks!!

  14. Oooh! I love them 🙂 I still can’t believe that it’s only a little more than 2 months until Christmas. I’m off to order some right now!

  15. Hey, you just saved me some time looking for uniquely beautiful holiday cards. Consider me duly appreciative!

  16. congrats on your new store 🙂 and the cards are lurvely!

  17. e@y.c.a says:

    I was thinking of you yesterday when I was watching that old funny “Singing in the Rain”. I don’t know if you’ve checked it out lately, but the costumes are amazing. Made me wish for a brief moment that I was born into the 1920s!

  18. oh LORD those are cute!!

  19. Cute cards! If I wasn’t poor, I’d buy some!

  20. So cute! Cannot resist… Now I’ve got to actually send cards out for a change!

  21. Your cards are beautiful!! You’re very talented.

  22. Congrats, Claire! They look positively delightful. 🙂 You know what I like best about them? It’s that they’re so universal, and can be sent to anyone no matter what festival they celebrate. Yay!
    Can’t wait for more designs and more other-themed cards! 🙂

  23. your cards rockth! linked you up at pixelsurgeon to boost sales 🙂

  24. You even included snow! Very culturally sensitive to the lost souls in the Northern Hemisphere!

  25. says:

    I *love* them. I just got done making my own stamped Christmas cards today…so what did I do? I went and bought some of yours! Couldn’t resist. I’ll save them or just give them to special people on my list 🙂