Wednesday 15 August 2001

It's grey and gloomy outside and I am craving a big ol' nap, either that or a Turkish delight coated in chocolate (the one with the wrapper that says "60% less fat! And always has been!"). I have worked hard on some real (paid), good illustration work for the last two days but today I feel a bit tired and strung out. I am drooping around hitting send/receive every 2 minutes and wondering if I should make another cup of peppermint tea. I have chatted to d, rung a client about a job, tried to fill in an application form for a course I am thinking about for next year, tried to help LA'mo upload some stuff and stared vacantly out of the window for stretches of time waiting for someone interesting to walk by... There is so much to do! Folios to send out, emails to reply to and unpaid, fun work to start... but I just can't be stuffed.

I have to keep saying to myself "Don't panic - this is ok!" Some days just happen to be low days and I have to remember when I was working full time in a "real" job that I also had low days where all I wanted to do was nap (most days were like that actually). It didn't mean anything then and it doesn't mean anything now. It doesn't mean my inspiration has dried up or that my muse has packed his bags and gone for good. It doesn't mean I have made a big mistake and I should go look for a job. It just means that today I should read a favourite book, or bake a coffee cake or go for a long walk and just let my muse hang out undisturbed - he can smoke cigarettes and watch Oprah if that's what he really wants to do (I should point out that my muse is not a real person). For the first time in a many years I can take this kind of occasional break if needed. I don't have to spend hours quietly working out if anyone (a boss in particular) would notice if I curled up and went to sleep under my desk. link

others on a never-ending creative quest:
Alex | Christine | Keri | Erik

last Wednesday


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