Blocks closing in
Wednesday 17 April 2002

I am going through a crisis of confidence. I think it's probably because the day before yesterday I sent out 20 more folios specifically to publishers of children's books including my favourite, "dream" publisher. Yesterday I sat down to start work on my own book and deciding I needed to find some inspiration (read: procrastinate) I started browsing through some web sites of illustration agencies. After having flicked through some portfolios of incredibly talented artists and then reading a quote that said "Art samples overwhelm art directors every month. In each publishing house, up to 700 per month get tossed or put in a file." Per MONTH?? I started feeling completely freaked. Who am I kidding? What am I even thinking? I can't do this! etc etc. I had to go and have a two hour nap to escape from the creeping feeling of panic. As you can imagine, in this kind of mood, to sit down and actually start my own children's book seemed impossibly daunting.

Where the Wild Things Are - in my study

I know that I have put a couple of big ridiculous pressures on myself - the first being financial... I keep feeling that to justify doing my own work it needs to pay. I need to make it real by contributing to the household income, it still sits in my mind that client work is good and my own work is bad. I have to try and ram it into my brain somehow that if my work does not directly equal money in the bank then it still has value - it's still ok. The other big pressure is that I have been saying to myself that I need to have a book to the publishers by the time the baby arrives, which is now only 5 and a half months away. I think I may have to accept that it might take me a while longer and that too is ok. Big-P got home and I had a big weep and told him all about my day filled with terrible creative-self-doubting woes and told him of the BIG FEAR that was beginning to move in. He reminded me of the things I said to him last month when he first picked up a paint brush after years and years of being away from art. Don't expect yourself to be good at it first time around, these things all need practice. And don't beat yourself up if you are not good to start with, allow yourself to play without getting too overly critical.

So today I leapt out of bed and up to the post office where I found a parcel full of deadlines and themes for up coming issues of a children's magazine, welcoming me to submit sketches for their front covers. I am sure that it is just a form letter that goes out to all interested illustrators but as I was expecting to open the envelope and find a polite rejection I was wrapped. Then I came home and made lentil patties for tonight's dinner (will post the recipe if they turn out to be a success) and this afternoon I went out to see the 5th Australian Craft and Design Showcase exhibition and am now feeling totally inspired. The beautiful work of Melbourne artist and designer Sara Thorn made me want to get my embroidery threads out and start creating some jewel like designs... but first I must start some book ideas, as Keri Smith kindly reminded me in an email this morning "avoidance eats away at our self esteem." If you haven't seen Keri's site and read her Wish Jar Tales you should visit there now!


Last time : Soap Opera at Street Level


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