fear of driving
Monday 14 January 2002

In 21 minutes I have my third driving lesson. It's raining. I feel sick to my stomach. Surely this fear will subside eventually? It's bloody ridiculous.

Isn't that the road down there? Shouldn't I be on it? Oh well... I am going too fast to care really.

Back. The whole experience is totally exhausting. I hate it when people sit on my tail or try to push past me just because I have an L plate on and because I am sitting on the speed limit. Despite quite a lot of residual fear hanging around making me laugh nervously and my palms sweat crazily, I am definitely getting better. After three lessons I get a little less freaked out when first getting into the car. During the first lesson I felt completely detached - like I was watching the world around me zoom past like a sped up movie and it was just sheer luck that I got home without a near miss. Now I actually feel like I am more of a part of it, and the car is more in my control. All the same, negotiating trams is hard. Turning right through traffic is hard. My instructor said it could take up to 15 lessons before I am ready to sit the test. He had 400 students last year and not one of them failed the test. There is a glimmer of hope on the horizon.



Last time : chippy


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