entry four - 16 December 1999

In which I start a new time sheet with much vim and vigor

Boy - did my last time sheet suck - I think I worked about 30 hours for the entire fortnight. I'm never going to get to the UK at this rate. I guess this sad and sorry total wasn't helped by the fact that I took almost all of the last week off. We went up to country NSW to stay with my Grandparents for a weekend of family catch-ups and then Big-P, Lil'Bro, Lil'Bro's loverly GF went on up to Sydney for a couple of days, where Lil'Bro's GF has very nice apartment. She had to work but the three of us did Sydney things like catching a ferry across the harbour, walking along the beach, eating a lot of sushi, looking in horror at the massive development underway for the 2000 Olympics.. etc.

I really like Sydney - it feels completely different from Melbourne. It must be the ever present humidity due to the Harbour, and the fact that there are lots of little hills and outcrops of rocks where you can't build so you may as well grow a tree or some ferns. Of course, Lil'Bro's GF lives in a pretty nice part of town, which only a surgeon's wage could afford, but we went over to visit a friend of mine who lives over in the student-area and that was also extremely cool. The only problem is I was so completely disoriented - no nice road grid like Melbourne has. It's all curvey roads and bridges.

But here I am - back at the office. I've finally finished doing a bunch of web design mock-ups for a client who said he wanted to do something "really different" but it's turned out, after presenting him with a bunch of designs that looked pretty amazing (IMHO!) and that I worked my butt off on, that his "really different" is actually really, really boring. Ho-well - when am I going to learn not to get so emotionally involved in my work? It's damn exhausting.

Tonight Special-K and Small are coming over for dinner. We're celebrating Big-P's birthday (31 last Tuesday) infront of Futurama and That 70's Show, plus Buffy repeats. This is the second in series of celebrations. Last night we went out for yummy dinner with Ma and Pa and Lil'Bro and Saturday we're having a dinner party. Three vegetarian courses - what am I going to cook? I'm thinking maybe some kind of chilled soup for entrée (which I can make in the morning) and maybe something like stewed pears for dessert but what about for main course?… hmmm. Happily I found the Moosewood cook books thismorning which have been missing since the move and also my all time fave - Charmaine Solomon's awesome asian cookbook. I should add Cooking with Korma to my Xmas list. Yummmm.

I ordered some CDs from Chaos Music yesterday and one had already turned up at my post box this morning! Talk about prompt service. Pity it was the one I had picked out as a Xmas present for Lil Bro (Powderfinger's Internationalist) and not any of the ones I'd picked for me.

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