entry three - 7th December 1999

In which i list what i want for christmas, hoping Big-P sneaks a look at my journal enrty

Dear Santa - pleasssse gimme:

chanel no 5 (spray)

large, nice paper to draw on

molini classy sequin thongs (shoes)

gerling's latest album

subscription to Marie-Claire lifestyle

pot plants for the couryard (preferably a Kaffir Lime tree)

jeff buckley's grace album

Moby's Play album

a couch (maybe 2 matching!)

a big-screen tv

a sony stereo

that'll do for now.

We met a neighbour last night - second since we moved in. he lives upstairs in an apartment he bought - one of the big two story, three bedroom apartments - on his own. Rich-guy-neighbour also drives a very amazing looking new volvo which he parks across both his car spaces, just to make sure none of those other scoundrel-student-tenant types don't get any ideas. He seems pretty nice.

We met because at about 10.30 or so, one of our other neighbours, who we think lives down the other end of the courtyard, kicked a whole in the front security door - who knows why - but it scared the hell out of me - our apartment being right next to the front door. so i called the police not knowing, at that time, who it was but only knowing they were trying to kick down the door. Eventually said door-kicker got inside and disappeared into a flat. Maybe he forgot his keys?? so then alot of residents crept out of they apartments to view the damage. Rich-guy-neighbor had watched it all from his balcony and when the police finally turned up (45 minutes later - thank god it wasn't too pressing - but how did they know that?) i think he gave a statement. i thought we'd left all that shit behind when we started paying $255 a week in rent. ahh well.

i'm loving diaryland but it's not getting my work done for me.

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