Entry twentyseven - 31 January 2000

be still my beating heart

I have a confession to make. I have a little crush. Make that a few little crushes.

Please don't get me wrong, as the only crush I have in the off web world (the only real crush) is on Big-P, and his lovely dark lashed eyes (have I mentioned that he has a beautiful soft accent and perfectly formed lips?) and can't imagine it any other way. But when it comes to certain web folk and their amazingly prolific talent, exotic locations and total improbability of ever meeting, I'm ga-ga.

Please don't get me wrong (part two), I'm not a scary cyber-stalker. It's the design and the writing and the photography I love. I am still amazed daily with the ideas, sense of humour and sense of wonder that people bring to their sites. I love that "my god! How did they think of doing it that way?" tingle that I sometimes get.

Of course, along with this comes the occasional pang of longing, ridiculous jealousy and the deep freeze of self doubt.

But, I have done the big, real-life killer crush thing before, so totally and exhaustingly. I was consumed for a year and a half by the idea of the boy who I worked with on the University paper. He looked a little like Tin Tin, if you can imagine, and wore vintage shirts and smoked out of the side of his mouth. "uggh", I hear you say, but trust me, he was sexy, despite my description (and his smoking). And he drew. As much as I did. You should have seen his remarkably cute and undeniably distinctive little characters covering every surface of the newspaper office.

I would gaze longingly at his terrible posture as he leant over his desk by the window, wondering what on earth to say to him. It didn't matter, really, as I was truly enjoying imagining the what-if.

However, being around him and his black felt-tip pen meant that I was way too intimidated to draw and I stuck to bad, bad Quark Xpress design, and even worse record reviews. It turned out that he had something of a similar crush on me and my Quark layouts. He was convinced his illustrations sucked and was too shy to drag and drop on the Mac while I was there doing my "phenomenal layouts" (his words). True story.

But I truly love the lingering crush. And I love the fact that my crushes are now on people's work, no matter what sex, age and body size, whether they smoke or eat corn-chips in bed. I love that these crushes are mostly inspiring and almost never intimidating (although - if I was in a drawing/writing/design contest with any of them, it would be a different story.)

Let me whisper some of their names in your ear:

Amy, Derek, Angela, Melty, Wing Chun, Lynda

» By the way - the pictures above do not correspond to any of these names.

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