Entry twentysix - 29 January 2000

Cute lil loobylu and her cat jenny

Lil Loobylu knew what she wanted

We were woken around six this morning by some guy singing U2’s “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for” outside our bedroom window. Big-P and I murmured bad gags to one another – possible responses to shout out the window – such as “go look somewhere else” or “what’s that – a singing teacher?” ha ha.

But, you know, I totally sympathise. Always looking, always trying to work out how to fill that satisfaction hole.

Right now, I’m convinced that happiness is attached to sorting out my career goals; get the perfect job = perfect life.

The idea of a job has not always been the answer to my woes. What I used to be looking for, up until a momentous collision of souls back in ’96 when I first clapped eyes on Big-P, was the perfect man. My god, that was an epic adventure, of true Meg Ryan / Tom Hanks, romantic-comedy type proportions. It took me years of dating losers and bastards before totally giving up (and I mean completely). After a yawning gap of abstinence (broken only by a crazy one nighter) I met the lovely Big-P. Of course, he was entwined in another relationship and our courtship was stalled… but that’s another story. What I’m trying to say is, what I thought was the big answer to the-meaning-of-life (and I seriously dreamed of finding ‘the one’ for around a decade) is now sitting on the couch watching “Great Train Journeys” and although I am so deeply in love, and no longer wanting in that area, I’m still wanting.

You know?

I have found a piece of paper that I had to write in grade six and then it was returned to us in year 12. Our teachers referred to it as a “time capsule”.

It’s pretty funny. I can remember how I was then, nervous, vague, new girl at a new school. All I wanted to do was build the biggest, most amazing doll house the world had seen. I still had a security blanket and sucked my thumb, and slept with my head under my pillow just incase I would otherwise hear my parents having sex. My friends were kissing boys, or at least, said they were kissing boys. Their older brothers and sisters would tell us stories that would blow our minds.

But I knew what I wanted, my little self was on the brink of life, where there had been no failures, yet, and no impossibilities, as my “time capsule” will attest:

What do you think of school? At the moment school is good. I’m quite popular (I think).

Favourite food Potatoes

Where would you like to visit? San Francisco, because the biggest doll house shop in the world is there.

One wish To marry a millionaire, and to have be real nice (sic). Also I would like to meet Boy George, Michael Jackson, Princess Di, real spunky boy.

What would you like for Christmas This year: clothes and doll house stuff. In 1989: A car (red Porsche)

What do you want to be? An art teacher or an illustrator. I want to get married when I’m 26 and have three children.

Anything else French is my worst subject, The War Song (Culture Club) is my favourite song.

But I wasn’t wanting, (except for loads of doll house furniture) probably because I just expected it to all happen when I grew up. But that’s just not how it is. Three children? Crikey!

I’m not very Zen, am I.


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