Entry nineteen - 18 January 2000

Yuck yuck yuck. I have a large knot in my stomach. Today's adventure around the suburbs to find our ideal office space (with close to no money to spend) was horrendous. Thankfully, Lil'Bro came with us and brought along his air conditioned car, as it reached a disgustingly muggy 37c, but the arctic blast inside the car was minor consolation as we went round and round in circles stopping at any exciting looking for lease sign only to be totally demoralised when discovering the price. Lil' Bro was having massive anxiety attacks all morning due to romantic entanglements...

After 5 hours of office hunting we finally found an excellent place; cheap, very funky, great view of the city sky line, right in the heart of the "New Media" hip'n'happening suburb, polished wooden floor boards, three levels, car space, etc. It really was amazingly perfect. But for some reason I just couldn't get excited. The agent was asking for a two to three year lease and that's a long time for a company that can't see past the next 6 months. I suddenly got very, very depressed. Finding a funky new office is supposed to be totally inspiring but all I could think of was "oh god - more bloody boring work going on and on, and still we're not making enough money to survive on".

I know that when you start up a new business it isn't supposed to be easy, 14 hour days for pittance pay and all that - but it isn't the work load that bothers me, it's the lack of vision and passion I have for our company. It just seems like we all have a different idea of what the company should be doing and how. I'm tired of caring so much, and feeling this heavy burden of responsibility. All I want to do is draw pictures and write my diary. Wouldn't it be great if someone would pay me to do that? Huh? Anyone? Hey - doesn't Carrie basically do that in "Sex in the City"? I could do that… except it would have to have a different kind of focus - maybe something like "Not much sex in the tiny dark apartment". (it's a common known fact that "new media" professionals don't get much sex… not enough time, obviously).

Jeeesh - I really am too tired to get all of this down tonight. I think I will leave the explaining of the reason for the huge knot in my stomach for tomorrow when I am a little calmer, and a little more lucid.

Curiously, my horoscope for today (thanks to www.excite.com.au - normally I would highly recommend their horoscope section):

You wake up with a bright outlook. No matter the weather, your joy springs from an inner source. Whatever you were close to giving up on requires your renewed commitment today. Gung-ho resolutions were made for a reason. Whatever brought you to the brink of the original pledge should be revisited. Don't give up on yourself now. New inspiration leads you to some wonderful results. Tongues are wagging so listen with particular prudence. Be eager to make connections. You never know who will guide your destiny.

Please explain?


PS. please forgive spelling mistakes, typos etc. I am so so tired.

PPS. No illustration today. I'm at home and don't have a copy of photoshop and illustrator or even a scanner on this machine.

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