Entry twenty - 19 January 2000

Interior view of Loobylu's belly - note large knot

So, to continue my story from yesterday about the large knot in my stomach… after much thought and discussion with Big-P over our direction in life, love and lolling-around, we decided we really don't want to keep going with the company - even if some wonder-investor came along tomorrow, it wouldn't make a hell of a lot of difference because it's not what either of us wants to be doing. I don't want to keep dealing with horrible clients who have no money, no vision and no idea. It's really as simple as that.

Needing to talk to someone about all this stuff, we invited ourselves over to Mum and Dad's for dinner, and thankfully Grandma and Grandpa have left so we were able to flake out in the lounge room under the delicious blast of the air conditioner. Mum got home from work first and had a really nice, long chat to us about what we was troubling us. She was so good and rational and made all the right noises about how it really would be for the best if we stopped struggling along with the company. To explain very quickly, this is a company that we started almost 2 years ago doing web development. The principals of the company are me, Big-P, Lil'Bro and Dad. What was I thinking?? Of course it was going to be difficult working with the three main men in my life! Every business meeting intermingles with feelings and family issues of old. It's always intense, always draining and rarely satisfying. Anyway - Dad got home a while later looking exhausted and pissed-off and wasn't as receptive at all to our emotional "I want out" conversation. He was absolutely disappointed and for a usually optimistic man, he had no positive words at all.

So we went out for some hot hot hot Tandoori and kept talking over dinner. It really didn't get any easier and despite Mum trying to smooth the situation out, it just got more and more sad. I felt so heavy, feeling as though we were stomping all over dad's dreams. I told them that the only thing I really want to do is chase my dream of doing illustration professionally - something I've always wanted to do, but never considered to be a "real" career choice (whatever that is!). But why not? It's as real as any other. I could still do a little interface design as well… just not for annoying clients!

After dinner Big-P and I headed back to the apartment in 34°c heat (at 11pm! - no wonder we felt like shit). All these crazy feelings of disappointing my parents reared their ugly heads, I cried all the way home in the car and then had an awful, restless sleep.

At around 4am I woke up to the smell of smoke. I got up to find out if we were on fire and even though our apartment was fine, the smell was so strong I woke Big-P and we went outside to look for billowing, black clouds anywhere around the neighbourhood. The smell was so strong and everything was kind of hazy. It felt very surreal to be standing on a deserted main road, in my pyjamas, in a kind of smoky, sleepy haze at four in the morning. There was no evidence of a fire that we could see, but this morning we found out that some kids set fire to hedge / fence just up the road last night. It's the 11th to be burnt in 3 weeks.

This morning I felt even worse. It was kind of a heavy nervous feeling that I haven't really felt since having to give a class paper at Uni. I was wondering if giving up working for the company is really a good idea - sense of quitting, sense of failure, sense of fear of jumping into the unknown, and all that.

We saw Dad again this morning. It was with great relief that we discovered that he was cheerful and inspired and treating the whole deal as a positive opening up of opportunities. We are yet to discuss further whether we really want to stop all together or keep doing projects in a less formal, time consuming capacity. We'll see. Lil' Bro hasn't been privy to this development as he left for Sydney yesterday afternoon as his loverly GF was needing him to be around. He'll probably be pleased because he's been dying to move up there permanently, and was planning to do so in June at the latest.

Sorry these entries have been so dull and confused. But that's my life sometimes!

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