Tuesday 2 October 2001
I have this great idea for a TV show...
Big-P and I want to buy this great little house in the suburbs:

"First homebuyers and young families
will be delighted with this cheerful 2/3 bedroom weatherboard
home, set in a leafy terraced garden. In winter, a crackling
open fire reflects in the polished floorboards of the open
living and dining room. In summer the wide expanse of glass
and French doors opens to the outdoor living area - all you
can see is garden! In bright comfortable order, yet offering
additional potential to capitalize on the elevated allotment"
Now doesn't that sound nice? And it is!
Light filled rooms, magic gardens, lovely feeling of a holiday
house in the city... and it's almost affordable but
there are a couple of issues. Like rotten floorboards. And
the (very cute, retro) kitchen needs some work... oh, and
there is a large gap between the floor and wall in back study
/ studio... and it could all do with a lick of paint. But
HUGE potential.

So here's my idea; not unlike Erik's
current request for patronage (Medici style), we need some
money for renovations. And in return? You can make a TV show
of "the trials and tribulations of a funky young newlywed
couple (Illustrator girl and I.T. guy -- no previous D.I.Y
experience what so ever, just like your average lifestyle
channel viewing couch-potato) doing up their little patch
of paradise in the suburbs"... I can do a little crafty
stuff around the house - put up book shelves, sew cushions,
make amazingly simple gourmet dinners, throw parties for my
(very good looking, camera friendly) friends -- all that girlie
stuff. P can get all sweaty and move planks of wood around,
put in a new shower, pave outdoor areas, put up a pergola...
and we can both discuss vermiculture and composting until
the cows come home... also, as an added bonus we promise to
workout at the gym to get rid of any resident pot bellies
and we'll also go regularly to the beauty salon for waxing
and sun lamping so we look good in shorts and tank tops...
It's Martha Stewart
meets The Real

Sounds like hell on earth, really. Link