My Creative Space
My creative space this week has been quiet. I managed to finish the doll, but life is shifting slightly as Lily’s afternoon naps all but disappear and we get busier with friends and family....
My creative space this week has been quiet. I managed to finish the doll, but life is shifting slightly as Lily’s afternoon naps all but disappear and we get busier with friends and family....
I have almost finished this little girl, ready to send off to Eren and then on to Nicaragua. She needs a few more pieces in her wardrobe, because (well, really) a girl can’t go...
This is the stuff that I pulled out of my bag (apart from the laptop) from last night when I got to go and do some stitching in a place where the ducted heating...
Our heating is broken, and it’s warmer sitting outside in the overcast gloom than it is at the kitchen table. I feel like we live in the olden days – at least –...
I am all over the place at the moment but it feels ok. I go where the mood takes me (which is quite often to the top shelf of the fridge door where there...
I finished another Waldorf / Punkdorf doll today. This one is a big one, around 50cm (20″) from head to toe. She’s still very wonky with an oddly shaped cranium (think Indiana Jones and...
Look! I’m twittering (as of 22 minutes ago)! I seem to think in tweets these days so it suits my style. Look! I’m making another Waldorf doll (I have been calling them punkdorf dolls...