High Rotation Monday (er, Tuesday) #7
Electronic music producer j.viewz plays Massive Attack’s Teardrop on vegetables using the MaKey MaKey.
Also watching
In the cinema! In the city! I spent the weekend in Vancouver and finished it with a movie. What a treat: Silver Linings Playbook. I didn’t know anything about it before we went to see it and I loved it. I will call this my favourite movie of recent times.
Roast Chicken – one of my favourites since childhood. I usually stuff the chicken with a boiled, pierced lemon (boiled (to make it extra juicy) when I am par-boiling the potatoes) and a big, generous handfull of fresh thyme. Our thyme has all but died off and Spring is still some way away so I found this recipe on Etsy (which seems to be doing more food stuff lately) and will give it a try.
Pad Thai – dinner out at Krua Thai in North Van on Saturday was so good. Their “all time house-favourite” Pad Thai was delicious. Now I am craving more but North Van is not that easy to access. My pantry is, however, and I found a recipe for a pantry-staples version at Hellobee. This one also looks good. I wonder if I can find tamarind here on the island.
Oliver Jeffers books. I was lucky enough to see Oliver Jeffers talk about his life, his work and his process at the The Vancouver Children’s Literature Roundtable annual illustrator’s breakfast on Saturday. He was inspiring, entertaining and incredibly talented, of course. Here are my favourites of his:
While in Vancouver we stopped by the gallery and checked out the Art Spiegelman Co-Mix exhibition which was fantastic and comprehensive. If you are at all remotely interested in alternative, underground comics or illustration this retrospective is well worth the admission fee.
I’ve carved out a little space in the corner of the sitting room to be my studio. Now I have no excuse. Back to work!
I’ve been reading your blog forever and am glad that you’re updating again. Love your illustrations.
I’m so jealous you got to see Oliver Jeffers! He’s a huge favorite of mine.
Love that Oliver Jeffers was at the VCLR – that means they are still going strong. Such a great group – I was lucky to have one of the co-founders, Wendy Sutton, as my professor for Children’s Lit and Adolescent Lit. She introduced me to the VCLR way back when.
I love Oliver Jeffers – he is a children’s book genius! I love This Moose Belongs to Me – the illustrations are amazing and I love moose!
I wish he’d come to Dundee library to talk!