Notes from a sunny spot (blink and you’ll miss it)

Check out that sun – yes, we got some sun. It confused me with its lovely warm brightness and I was momentarily stunned and sat on the back deck saying “gahhhh!”. It only lasted a day or so and now we’re back into the reassuringly consistant rain, but boy, it was good while it lasted.

I planted vegetables, I finished a quilt etc. If I’d cooked some kind of bread or boiled my own soup stock I would have completed the trifecta of domestic awesomeness.

Other things of the non-domestic awesome variety: turns 10 – Happy blog birthday Andy! I love his thoughts on blogging in a world of microblogging. Encouraging and inspiring, as always.

– Jordan’s kickstarter page which is mind BLOWING (I’ve been hitting refresh every… oh, let’s say…minute?). The wonderful response to the campaign has been incredible – and yet again I am reassured that the old saying “do what you love and good things will follow” (or whatever it is) has some truth in it.

Speaking of female leads in the fantasy genre:

Game of Thrones – which I watch from the very edge of the couch. There is the story and the art direction and the whole fantasy genre which I have always loved – but also worth noting is the fact that in this second season there are so many fantastic, often cliche-busting, kick-ass female main characters. You won’t find any token females playing elves looking ethereal and beautiful in a magical forest, but instead at least a dozen interesting three dimensional characters. The sexual violence, while still apparent, is toned down this season – sexual politics is still a main focus but the unexpected twists and turns are part of what makes the show interesting. I am waiting for Sansa to start kicking it – I hope she does. Some of my friends say “girl, it’s so violent, how can you bear it?” but I just can. And I will. And I love it. The story surprises me.

Back closer to home:

Salt Spring Island’s Saturday Market – is back for the warm season and is bubbling away with homemade soaps, goats cheese, heirloom carrots and fresh baked treats. Don’t expect to escape without spending any money. Just try to resist.

Music – I’ve been clumsily figuring out a couple of songs on the ukulele (Lumineers! Damien Jurado! Oh and this one! So good! Watch out folk scene – I am totally hot on your heels) and then singing them badly over and over to the point where even the smallest members of the household are groaning “NOT AGAIN! SPARE US, PLEASE!”. Regardless, trust me on this: when you turn 40, buy yourself a musical instrument. It’s the healthy part of the whole mid-life crisis thing.

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17 Responses

  1. Kirsty says:

    Loving the quilt. Please reassure me that the smallest members of the household are rolling their eyes as well as complaining! They do here. Oh, the embarrassment of parents.

  2. millie says:

    Great music links! Thanks for sharing.

  3. manda says:

    funny you say that…it was only yesterday i found myself on youtube watching a teenage boy trying to teach me how to play a guitar. what the? ha ha….i then moved on to watching angus stones new music clip….drool… and hooray for the kickstarter project….how exciting for you guys x

  4. Sooz says:

    I’ve been holding out to read the books before I start watching the tv show but I may lose that struggle any day now. I’m too excited! Your sunshiny view looks so good. Our sun is slipping away for another season and it’s too sad.

  5. Fran says:

    Love the sound of Wolllstonecraft. Have just made a pledge. What a great idea/approach. Big fan of GOT. Emma takes great delight in calling me a Dothraki whore…in a nice way. Great to hear your news. x

  6. Lilika says:

    I love the Game of Thrones…I am all about the dragons. I agree, the charecters are amazing and the sets and costumes brilliant! Love your quilt so inspiring!

  7. Kati says:

    Haha. I’m 41 and just taking up the guitar. I didn’t realize it was a mid-life crisis thing, but now I totally see it.

  8. jen storer says:

    Claire the quilt is gorgeous! I think they could really use that in Winterfell! jxx

  9. Judy says:

    When I was 50, I picked up the tin whistle. My cat packed his bags and left for the coast. Do you know Arlo’s ukulele song? Do a YouTube! I bet it will go viral!

  10. victoria says:

    Violent, Game of Thrones, I wont’ have a harsh word spoken about it. I think I only breathe in 5 minute intervals and yet it feels it’s over in 2. love love love it.

  11. Andrea says:

    Have you read the game of thrones books?? also pretty awesome!

  12. Jaysun O'Scalleigh says:

    I’m all caught up with the Game of Thrones tv show and I’m now listening to the audio book. I’m afraid I’m a painfully slow reader so I dread the time it would take me to read these thick books. Now listening to A Clash of Kings, the second book which seems to be the basis for Season 2. The first season is quite faithful to the first book, but they seem to be taking way more liberties with season 2. Much depth and frankly better plot in the books, but isn’t that always the way?…

  13. Aidan says:

    Sunday night we’re watching 3 Game of Thrones episodes, back to back. Now that’s a date night. Who needs talk.I have to go buy a banjo now (or soon, I am but 39).lots of love – see you at pestos (do they serve a plate of JUST potatoes?)

  14. Bessie says:

    That quilt is stunning!

  15. Amy says:

    Pretty awesome!!! Love the quilt!

  16. Ange says:

    I imagined that you’d have a stall at the market by now! 🙂

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