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5 Responses

  1. Kelly says:

    Just gorgeous. Although the Annie Hall/Diane Keaton version will always be tops for me :)There is no modern-day equivalent to her – at the risk of sounding jaded (read: OLD) a lot of modern day starlets seem to be boring glamazon clones with the same boring-ass stylist.

    Thanks for the nostalgia shot 🙂

  2. Lilika says:

    I just watched the American Masters documentary on Woody Allen the other night – it was such a blast to watch.. all those scenes of New York and yes.. I love her so very much I think Reds is my favorite after Interiors and Annie Hall, Manhattan oh my sooo much Diane we should have a movie marathon! Baby BOOM!! remember that?? love it love love it. Happy Weekend 🙂

  3. librarygirl says:

    Have you seen Midnight in Paris? Like Woody of old except Owen Wilson plays the Woody role. I loved it.

  4. rhonda jean says:

    Annie Hall is one of my favourite films so to see that clip of Old Times here, well, it just made my day. Thank you.I wonder if you’ve heard this wonderful song. If you haven’t, listen a couple of times before you decide if you like it or not. I have to warn you, while it’s sad and mournful and very beautiful, it’s also contains some words that may offend.

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