Nurse Matilda and her very big tooth

Have you read Nurse Matilda?

Have you read it out loud? Because if you haven’t you really should get along to the library or favourite book store and nab yourself a copy and then make yourself a cup of tea (or even some of that insane butterbeer I linked to the other day, which I am still yet to make and actually feel a little dubious about that ever happening) and then open it up and clear your throat a little and get right into it.

Read it to your children, your friend’s children, your nephews and neices or your partner, cat, parent or friend… Here is a book with lots of scope for wonderful expression – funny voices, raising (and waggling) of eyebrows and suspense filled pauses… but then watch as their eyes light up around about page 19 or 20 when whoever you are reading it to gasps and then says “It’s Nanny McPhee!” and it is! But it isn’t – because Nurse Matilda is just that much different that you can read and it enjoy it as something completely new but with a lovely familiar feel. She still has an enormous protruding tooth and a big stick – and you can still do your best Nanny McPhee voice to read all her dialogue… but there are big differences so please don’t buy it expecting it to be the story of the movie.

Mrs Brown is alive and well, so while we have only completed chapter two, I am imagining that there will be no central love story between Mr Brown and Evangaline, and there are so many children that they seem to only get mentioned once or twice (and we have counted 15 of them so far) so perhaps we won’t get the chance to get attached to any of them and watch them blossom under the care of Nurse Matilda… but so far both my girls are well entertained and were begging for just one more chapter at lights out.

Written by Christinana Brand and illustrated by one of my favourites (her cousin!) Edward Ardizzone.

We have made this delicious chicken recipe from Jamie Oliver twice now on our BBQ – I am sure the deliciousness depends entirely on the quality of the bbq sauce… but it’s very easy and very yum. I am trying to think of some kind of adaptation of this for Thanksgiving (What hey? That’s right! We will have a house full of family for Thanksgiving come October 11 so it’s time to get up to speed).

I bought a sewing machine — The first ever time I have bought a machine as I inherited my last three from my Grandmothers. These I had to leave behind in Melbourne due to the merry wattage dance, so I seized this opportunity (and my Australian credit card) and bought a beauty. I got it seriously reduced but it still caused me to have a dizzying spell of buyer’s remorse in the sewing centre’s parking lot. I am about to open the box and break out the manual and learn to love it through the guilt.

<3 Happy Anniversary to my Phil. We’ve been married for 9 years today, and it just keeps on getting better.

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7 Responses

  1. Kate says:

    Huge and happy anniversary to you two love birds. I hope that sometime today, on the top of your hill, in your far away land, you get a chance to celebrate and maybe even a bit of romance. X

  2. kylie says:

    I’m reading Harry Potter two my 12 and 9 year olds (I read it two my oldest child when he was about 10- 11, now 18). I can’t help but do the voices and pronounce everything in a very proper English way, so much fun! We all cant wait to get into bed at night and I too get the “just one more chapter pleeaase????”

  3. Rosie says:

    Enjoy the machine!

  4. Emjie says:

    I’ll definitely keep my eyes peeled for this book. My daughter is only 20 months, but she loves books, and I enjoy reading to her.Those JO cookbooks are awesome. We got into chicken roasts because of him. We do the one with rosemary, thyme and lemon.I am curious. I didn’t know Thanksgiving is celebrated in Canada. I thought that was just a US of A celebration.

  5. Andy says:

    Wow, that looks like an amazing sewing machine! I take it no more hand quilting for you!!!!Happy Anniversary 9 years!

  6. meppybn says:

    Bestest of <3 <3 <3 to you and your man. Aren't the wild blackberries insane up here? No one seems to think they are a noxious weed and need to be eliminated! Delicious tho' esp. in scones 🙂 Keep having adventures……

  7. Meg says:

    Happy 9 years! I just LOVE that wedding shot of you guys. xx

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