Every Day in May
Such a lovely, rainy, insidey day to day. My favourite.
I have a kid home sick which is a little sad as she is missing a (rather chilly and wet) school excursion to the Botanical Gardens. I am missing out on a good coffee and project-based chat in Fitzroy which is also a bit sad. Instead I am going to make some more of that chai. And ponder Every Day in May.
Élena paints every day in May, and has done so for the last couple of years.
It is highly likely that I will not be reading the Twilight Saga every day in may as I am almost done, so that will leave a gaping hole in my schedule. So instead I think I will do the Every Day in May challenge to “commit to create something every day in the month of May”.
Maybe you could take part too!
So now, what do I concentrate on? For a scatter-brain like me this is the hardest thing. Do I blog every day? Should I write some fiction (which really does need a little attention)? A granny square? Perhaps a papercut? That would be insane – my neck and shoulder wouldn’t be able to handle it. I am still recovering from last week’s two day effort. Maybe even just a doodle in a sketchbook is a good idea. Perhaps anything creative would be better than nothing.
What will you do if you take part? Maybe your ideas will inspire me…
What a great idea, I’m in for sure! A good kick up the pants will do me good…
Every Day in May this year I will be revising my novel. And rewriting.I can understand if you don’t do the papercuts if they caused you some discomfort last week, but my they were lovely.
Do you recommend the Twilight series? I’ve not read them at all…
Thank you so much for spreading the news! I think any and all creative endeavors are good. (And I also LOVED the paper cutting too… but maybe you could do a mix of things? Whatever inspires you.):) Elena
What a great idea! I think I will aim to do one creative thing a day, whether it’s a loaf of bread, or crocheting the sleeve of a baby jacket, or decorating the moleskins I’ve been meaning to do for ages.
The ideal of painting everyday sounds so nice. Not sure I would be able to fit it in though. But at least I am finished teaching for the semester so it seems much more do-able.
I had a rainy day and a sick little girl at home today too – the best sort of day to be at home but like you, was missing out with a walk along the seafront with my friend followed by tea and cake. I got busy on some card,bag and canvs designs and then went to bed feeling like maybe I should have just sat on the sofa with my girl. Hmmm… never seem to get the balance right whatever i do.
I just read an article in the paper here about the latest edition of the Oxford Junior Dictionary and the words they are getting rid of; they are such lovely words (catkin, piglet, blackberry, conker etc) that I’ll use that as my theme for May I think…
What a rather splendid idea. I think the most I could commit to would be a-doodle-a-day, but then that would be 31 more than I will have done this month…
Oh crikey, Emerald, just read your post! That is tragic! How can any of those words be obsolete in childhood? Do you have a link to the article? Thanks.
@Flora: Oops – realised I had it wrong in my blog; for you and anyone else interested it is: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2008/dec/14/books-dictionary-culture
i think i will try this. maybe i’ll try 4 different things…one week is photo week, another week is doodle week, etc….or maybe i should just wing it and just try and do what i can according to how much time i have for the day. i could use a creative boost so this sounds like it will fit the bill nicely.
I know that it’s very unoriginal, but I think that I am going to try taking a photo every day in May. I’ll be camping in Kakadu for part of May, so nothing else seems very realistic…
i think if i am going to play along i will have to keep it simple & just try & do something creative everyday, otherwise i won’t last!!great idea 🙂
What a great idea,one creative thing every day in May, I like it.I am so excited by this idea that I think I might just start today. I have this little purse I have wanted to make for ages,all the materials are there. Why wait? Let May begin early!
I did it, I made my purse. I really like your challenge (as you can see). I’ve posted a link to your blog.
Many thanks for the link Emerald. A fascinating read about a truly depressing subject. I feel like frogmarching the kids through a field right now!Sorry to hi-jack btw.