Run little piggy!

Wonderful (clever!) stop motion chase scene. (via ghost patrol )

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14 Responses

  1. Fabulous! Some people are so very clever.

  2. Frogdancer says:

    That was great! Some people have wonderful imaginations.

  3. That’s really great. I don’t even KNOW how they came up with that concept – it’s brain hurtingly complex. So good, though! I kind of got the feeling halfway through that the pig was LEADING the wolf…. Did you?!

  4. trashalou says:

    WOW! That is so clever.

  5. PaisleyJade says:

    Loved that… very cool! Pigs are my fav animal.

  6. alice says:

    Wow that is so clever!

  7. That was awesome.Thanks for sharing.

    I wish I had the time and the creative genius to come up with that sort of thing.

  8. Whee! Whee! Wheeeeee!Love it. And the music was perfect.

  9. How awesome and fun was this!!!! HOW DELICIOUSLY CLEVER!!! I could just watch it over and over and over again! YIPPY!! Okay, got to go and watch it once again he he he! great blog you have here. I love everything about it! Great stuff.V

  10. Anna @ D16 says:

    That was amazing!!!! I can’t even imagine how much work went into this. Very cool.

  11. Tami in NY says:

    I love this. So creative and from so many different perspectives! I love when the camera moved in front of them towards the end.That also reminded me of this that I saw some time ago.

  12. Sam says:

    How clever is that!! Some people are seriously talented!! (not to mention patient!!)

  13. Leonor says:

    that was amazing!!!its so clever and cute 🙂

  14. Mama Thrift says:

    Wow! That was like magic. I’m not even going to ask how they did that. The mind boggles. Music was great too 🙂

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