
We just gorged ourselves on a home-grown tomato salad. Unfortunately, they weren’t grown in our home, but my Mum and Dad’s. Above is our entire tomato harvest for this year so far nestled in the palms of Amelia’s not very big hands. There are more ripening on the vines, but not a lot. I think there’s something in that old adage that vegetables need full sun, good soil and lots of water. Hmmm, who woulda thunk it? I will try that next year. We might even lash out and get that long spoken about water tank – that will make vegetable gardening all the more satisfying. I seemed to have lost my gardening mojo for this season. I always start off the Spring with such good intentions but life, and weeds, seem to get in the way. Maybe I need to break out a ukulele tune for the wandering garden muse too.

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17 Responses

  1. librarygirl says:

    After last years’ crappy crop I was determined to grow better tomatoes this year. Planted 8 plants in Show Week (Sept) and we have picked about 150 in the last two weeks (all mini varieties like Amelia is holding). Beyond delicious. Yes to water, mulch, and I think planting early so they’re not so stressed by the hot January winds. We also planted in a slightly more shady spot this year. Still waiting for the pumpkins and zucchinis to flower!

  2. Michelle says:

    But they are beautiful tomatoes that Amelia has in her hands, even if they are few! We have six different tomato plants and they do need a lot of water, especially with Canberra’s dry heat. We give each plant 2 litres of water every day and a half, but oh! The tomatoes! Just beautiful!

  3. victoria says:

    you’ve got a few up one me. I had a similar photo posted a few days ago and they’re in Leila’s hands which are even smaller than Amelias! By the way Leila now so does that same “hello man/hello lady” we “talked” about last year!

  4. Pumpkinbear says:

    My stuff never grows, because I just refuse to accept the fact that there is no place on our entire property with enough sun to grow veggies. I just plant and water, putter and fuss, ignoring the sympathetic looks from neighbors with fewer trees, and am disappointed anew every August with my four puny carrots and one green tomato.

  5. It’s an icy frozen tundra here, so I am jealously eyeing up your tiny crop of fresh food. Fruits and veggies flown in out of season are just plain never as good. Sigh.

  6. Shannon says:

    Gorgeous and they look so delicious.

  7. Frogdancer says:

    The only thing I’ve managed to grow this year are monster zucchinis. You’re right, it’s that whole ‘fertilise and water’ thing…Just thought I’d try not doing it and see what happens. Nothing is what happens, apparently.

  8. Luann says:

    I’m so envious. It’s minus 27 C here so not a locally grown tomato in sight. I’ll be dreaming about the spoils of our front lawn garden tonight (which won’t produce much of anything until July). Enjoy those tomatoes!

  9. Oh LOVELY! They really are! What pretty colours! We managed one cherry tomato plant which is bug-eaten and heaving with not that nice cherry tomatoes! So you’re not the only one with tomato trouble. This is our year,definitely, for a bumper crop!

  10. Sam says:

    Try Mitre 10 for a water tank.We picked a 2100lt tank up for $550, which is pretty good!

    Also, take a bucket into the shower with you.That’s how my poor little plants are surviving until Melbourne actually gets some rain. 😛

  11. wynk says:

    Our tomatoes were terrible last year too. I’m hoping this year will be a lot more fruitful.

  12. Ahhh, fresh tomatoes! How I miss that now in the wintery months of Connecticut. Wish our garden muse wasn’t dormant this time of year!

    Suzanne Urban

  13. Anneli says:

    It is my great dream to one day have a vegetable and herb garden, where I can grow my own stuff! Those look so delicious!

  14. Shawn says:

    Try growing tomatos upside-down. They grow better and more plentiful that way. Using any kind of buckets, cans, or pottery. With coffee can, you can use old nylons to keep the dirt in, and put your tomato plant in it. Voila.

  15. Stacey says:

    Mmmmm…tomatoes! My winter blues are starting to fade just thinking about summer again. Thank you. And thanks for loving Bertram–he is very honored to be among our etsy faves!

  16. Stacey says:

    Oops…I meant YOUR etsy faves. 😉

  17. Maija says:

    It’s been a while since your blog break – I only just now found out you’ve picked up where you left off. Loving it! So glad to be reading your blog again.

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