Welcome Pumpkin!! (and welcome home Phil)
Phil’s back from a week long business trip to California and I can’t tell you how good it is to have him home! We have all been pining for him. Lily most of all. She’s been stomping around the house saying in the most heartbreaking of tones “Daddy – home?”. The cockroaches and spiders are the only ones not pleased to have him back – they get away with a lot more when it’s just me around. I tend to freeze up in terror and revulsion while they make their mad-scrambling escape. On top of the spiders and the cockroaches I have been sick with some throat, chest, lung thing and apart from making me feel crappy I haven’t been able to shout effectively at tired, overheated, misbehaving children and of course the weather has been unbelievably foul. I am feeling compelled to pack up and move to Tasmania. But whinging aside… Upon arriving home Phil discovered a pumpkin on the vine. Hooray! I can’t see any more but they seem to grow fast. I have just had a look at some photos I took of the girls playing out the back from the weekend before last and could see the itty bitty pumpkin just starting to look pumpkin-like only 7 days ago. This is Lily and her baby doll “Shep” playing alongside the pumpkin without even realising it! You can click on the photo for a better look.
Go pumpkin, go! It’s growing underneath Lily’s window which makes me wonder if it’s been growing happily there because of the gentle lilting sleepy music that we play to Lily at nap time and bed time. Ya never know.
Awww… Lily and her sleep tunes grew a pumpkin! Nice work Lily! How lovely are those leaves?! Imagine all the little buggies hiding under them!
You pictures have me pining for spring and getting back into the garden. I have seeds started in my kitchen for a little green preview but outside it is snow, snow and more snow. The plants are growing really fast because we always have music playing in the kitchen especially classic music and jazz.
Adorable Picture,, my pumpkind just don’t want to grow for me this year:(
All for the love of a pumpkin. 🙂 I can’t wait to get in the garden. It’s still a little chilly for me, though. I went outside in shorts today (being the optimistic person that I am) but quickly realized I had made a mistake. It was only 48 degrees, after all!
lovely, lovely post and photo. I hope the pumpking grows real big! Our garden in Adelaide is very dry…couldn’t even find a worm for the mini-worm-farm.
Glad I am not the only one considering migration to get away from this weather!
Wow. That’s fast. Talk about bumper crop.
Grow pumpkin, Grow! 🙂
That’s a good looking pumpkin! I hope that it grows to be enormous!!
I keep saying I’m packing up and moving to Tasmania too! I spent some quality chill time there last November with friends in Launceston. Everything grows there, everything good that is!! Flowerbeds and veggie gardens are a snap if you can avoid the frost. Lavendar, miles of it, it grows like weeds. Every garden is bulging with the most exquisite flowering bushes. The weather in Summer is so mild and generous. People there are so blase about it but really, Tassie is gorgeous. I’m in Cairns so it’s all rain and mould and failed herb gardens!!! Pumpkin pie for you soon? Well done!
Fantastic pumpkin! You must be sick of the heat – strange at this time of year. According to my family its hot in TAS so perhaps stay where you are!
That’s a beautiful vine. I know we’re all out for the pumpkins but the vine is such a gorgeous colour and shape.Don’t come down here to Tas. – it still feels pretty damn hot even if we aren’t solidly in the 30s.
Imagine my delight at just discovering this morning that you are back at your blog! I had been checking it every few weeks, to see, and finally I just decided that you probably weren’t coming back, so I haven’t checked in perhaps two months or more. So, yay!You are always an inspiration. Welcome back!
Hooray for pumpkins! My husband has wanted to grow a sincere pumpkin patch, suitable for waiting for the Great Pumpkin, but alas, we had no pumpkins. (Lots of leaves though!)We have an amaryllis that’s been growing and blooming for months – and we think its growth is due to the fact that the kids sang “The Garden Song” over it while we planted it.
(It’s so wonderful to have you back online! Yay! ♥ )
Grow, pumpkin, grow!!
CLAIRE!!! You’re back!! Oh, I am just totally overjoyed. 🙂 🙂 🙂 :)xoxox
Look at your crop and that cute kid! Thanks for cheering up my chilly winter heart.Tracey
Such cheerful glimpses of warm weather gardening. Wishing you a plentiful pumpkin harvest.
Wow, that pumpkin isn’t the only thing growing fast in your garden. Your other little pumpkin in that photo, Lily, is growing like an utter weed! Must be all that gorgeous Australian sunshine!!(sez me, whose kids are getting ratty and grumpy with the unending rain and cold and cloudy grey days over here in the UK!)
Did you make a conscious decision to stop calling him ‘Big-P’? 🙂