4 things
I have been tagged! Thanks Jen 🙂
Four jobs I’ve had:
Book shop sales assistant – People used to say to me “oh wow! I would love to work in a bookshop!” but I used to sit behind the counter and pinch myself to stop myself from falling asleep.
Web designer – That was fun for a while. I enjoyed working for a dot com company when dot com companies were kind of crazy, but it was not my true calling by any stretch.
Magazine art director – Also fun for while. I got to meet lots of great people, commission lots of illustration, meet some famous people and feel like I was doing something special. But it was a LOT of work, and I am a slacker. Never the twain shall meet.
Freelance illustrator & toymaker – Puuuurfect. I would like to do more of the toymaking part but as it tends to not pay so well (per hour) it always takes a back seat. I want to keep doing these things forever, though if I can add “children’s book author / illustrator” and other experimental titles now and then, that would be fine too.
Four movies I can watch over and over:
Harold and Maude
A close tie between Lost in Translation and Annie Hall
You can see I like a little (lot) quirk and a little romance in my films
Four places I have lived:
Sydney – I was born there. I lived there for two years. I wish I could remember it as from what I have been told it sounds like my early 70s parents had a lot of fun in their quasi-commune lifestyle there.
Adelaide – Place of my childhood. A dream place and one I don’t go back to often for this very reason.
Melbourne (East side) – Rambly house, big garden, Milly-Molly-Mandy-style attic bedroom. I couldn’t have asked for anything more growing up.
Melbourne (North side) – A time of many share houses and tofu burgers, and bands and boys in bands and all that stuff.
… and while the North side was fun, we’re back on the East side because we got all old ‘n’ stuff.
Four television shows I love to watch:
Project Runway – What’s not to like? I don’t mind who wins now, I like them all
Lost – I am still intrigued
Spooks – But I don’t know if I will get into the new series as I really only loved it while Zoe, Danny and Tom were still around.
Australian Idol – series one and two. Three was just awful. I hope four improves but I doubt it will be much different.
Four places I have been on holiday:
Hamilton, Ontario
San Francisco
Byron Bay
clearly I need more travel in my life
Four of my favourite dishes:
Indian Butter Chicken with lots of naan bread – I could eat this until I need to be rolled away from the table
A big plate of fresh sushi – something I am truly missing while pregnant
Beef in Mandarin Sauce from Chois in Hawthorn. Best eaten in, not taken-away. Just thinking about it now is making my mouth water!
My mum’s chocolate cake – how she does it I don’t know, I can’t get the same results even when following the recipe down to the last detail.
Four websites I visit daily:
My bloglines (I subscribe to 138 blog feeds!)
ReadyMade Blog – the exciting new thing I am contributing to
Whip Up – the other exciting new thing I am contributing to
Four places I would rather be right now:
At the movies – Possibly seeing any one of these following movies: Brokeback Mountain, Broken Flowers, Goodbye and Goodluck, Capote, Walk the Line or Keeping Mum.
In the mountains with my family – Or the hills anyway, Cloudehill was beautiful. Clean air is what I crave.
In a coffee shop with a friend – Preferably child-free. Although I love having Amelia along for a Babycino, she tends to dominate the conversation and then when she gets bored she will attempt to move all the chairs around in the cafe to make a train, or a wall or whatever.
Wandering around Melbourne’s “secret” laneways – Hopefully we will be doing some of this next weekend. There are so many good things to visit in the laneways of this city. I guess if you get to go there a lot, this is old, rather boring news, but we don’t get to much, so I am quite excited.
Four (five actually) bloggers I am tagging:
How weird that this has gone all around my friends here in Japan and now you have posted your tag list…Nice to read as some of your faves are mine – I love Chois!
I *love* those four movies. At least the first two would make my favorite movies of all time list. The other two (three) aren’t in frequent rotation, but are still awesome in my book. Question: Is H&M out on DVD? Though I watched it a ton as an adolescent, I haven’t seen it in years!! “If you want to sing out, sing out!…”
You wrote about your Mom’s Chocolate cake…My Mother makes butter cookies I cannot replicate!!!! It has to be the thickness she rolls them out and the timing in the oven …or something(?)
it was great getting to know you better!
Harold and Maude ?Harold and Maude is my favourite film ever.
You have good taste !
: )
What a great survey! I hope I get “Tagged”!!
ooohhh – a spooks fan. I agree that the earlier series are better – more light hearted, more Tom. However, Rupert Penry-Jones makes up for a great deal, wouldn’t you say?
Emma (lurking for a while)
What is it with the Mum’s Magic touch? My mum used to make these amazingly delicious yo- yo’s with passionfruit filling. I have the very recipe she used, but mine just aren’t the same!
I’m so glad I found your blog very enlightening.I luv the 52 project book and site 2.
Stop by my blog sometimes.
Ohh, your butter chicken recipe. I love it. It’s almost cold enough to start making it again…
Spooooks… I think the later series are better tbh as, yes, you get lots of Rupert Penry-Jones but also more RUTH! Who is a superb character and they develop her well, as they do Harry actually. I am in England so I am eagerly awaiting the start of series 5 after the latest truly shocking cliffhanger…
hamilton, ontario? for HOLIDAY? FOR REAL? please tell me you have family or friends here.
i don’t know why i find it so funny but…it’s not exactly a beautiful travel destination!
so many other places in ontario worth seeing, and hamilton is a bit of a scab.
Let me guess, Big P is from Hamilton? I grew up right beside it in Stoney Creek (and hated it) I live in The Big Smoke now (he will know where that is)
Yes! Big-P is from Hamilton, and lots of his family are still there or around there. We go back to visit it and some of it is very pretty!
I haven’t even finished reading your entire post Loobylu, because I got so excited when I read that you would like to illustrate a children’s book one day, because (hope this doesn’t come out sounding stalker-ish or weird) but I like, have fantasised about you illustrating this idea for a story that I have one day! (Ok, sure who am I?) But anyway, it’s called Dennis and Mr Fox and I am such a fan of your work I bet it work fabulously. Cannot reveal anymore… I just had to say that.Love the blog as always, Kachtus.
Nice choice on the movies, Rushmore and Amelie are my no. 1 and 2 movies, although I really enjoyed Junebug this year…
You vacationed in Hamilton, Ontario! That’s hilarious. That is where I was raised.
Was it any fun?
i have to ask:LOST – second season has started over there? it hasn’t over here and i’m so curious to know what happened to the kid and the ones who were on the raft…*sight*
Loobylu – Hey, I tagged you back on February 2, I think! :)Whipup.net does look cool–thanks for pointing your readers there.