Big Bunny
October’s theme for A Month of Softies is likely to be Enormous Landmarks. I am just kidding but how incredibly marvellous is this bunny on a mountainside in Italy?
Viennese art group Gelatin designed the giant soft toy and say it was “knitted by dozens of grannies out of pink wool”.
I don’t think they make socks big enough for me to complete that theme. I think the bunny rocks.
Good lord, that is huge! I wonder how it will weather….I’d be amazed it if survived till 2025!
This is so great! I would just love to go to Italy and see this! Thanks for the post, it made my day!
Wow! This peaks my interest. This takes knitting to a whole new level. I say go Grannies go!
WOOOOOWWWW, IT’S AMAZING. Thanks for sharing it with us…also for sharing all your sweet experiences with your daugther.
Oh my lord! LOL! It looks like it just fell out of the sky and landed SPLAT! Hate to think what will happen to all that hard work when it rains…
that is huge!! how can it stand the rain and deterioration…?
…and i wonder what the october theme would be…? =P
Wow! Am loving it, because: (1) It’s a bunny, and (2) it’s pink!!!
This can’t be real, can it? In 20 years, how many families of mice will be living inside that rabbit? The article says people will be hiking up it… for how long?
I really want it to be real though… 😉
so amazing! how fun! love love love it! and i so love that chenille guy – i bet he/she? cuddly
that thing will rot.
but it also rocks.
It creeps me out. At first I thought it was a deformed hand, and now I can’t stop seeing that.
That’s quite disgusting for some readon — it makes me feel sick. Although i assume it isn’t real…
That is simply amazing!
I didn’t realize just how large this rabbit was until I saw the TINY people next to it !
I wonder if it is covered in some kind of transparent weatherproof plastic to protect it from the elements ? I do hope so.