I was going to write a big long blog entry this evening but at around 9.45pm I lost the needle I was using to sew with while I was sitting on the couch – in the very spot Amelia sits to watch Bear in the Big Blue House every morning. I have just spent three quarters of an hour looking for it and found it (with the help of a torch) right down inside the gap between the arm and the base where it would never have seen the light of day again let alone cause any harm – but I found it – and now I am going to bed.
Oh, I hear you. I have done exactly the same thing a thousand times. But I cannot go to bed knowing there is a needle lurking in the couch …
Been there and done that, Claire. Better safe than sorry though, I’ve never felt so bad as the day Logan found an errant straight pin via his little foot! I think I cried more than he did!
don’t know if you ever tried this before or if you have pantyhose but if you stretch a piece of pantyhose over the mouth of a vacuum cleaner hose it will catch the needle.
That’s so clever! I will give that a go if it happens again.
Ari (my almost 2 yr old son) also loves Bear in the Big Blue House. I think its pretty good too, probably due to the Muppet connection (Jim Henson), plus the songs and … could you find a more friendly cuddly character than Bear on children’s tv?
Things you think will never turn up are usually the very things little 2 year old hands find immediately(and promptly pop into mouth / leg / eye), so searching and finding is essential. I am shocked at how Zac is magincally attracted to the most dangerous thing in the room.
My husband is paranoid about my misplaced needles and pins (not that I loose them very often). He always ends up treading on them. If he even thinks I have dropped a needle, it will end up stuck in his foot. I’m thinking of hiring him out as a needle finder.
Maybe some kind of handheld large magnet could help? Sweep it by and shove it between the cushions.. who knows what else you might find! 🙂