January’s MOS gallery online

I have a crick in my neck and Amelia has watched more television in the last two days than in her entire two and a quarter years, but January’s A Month of Softies gallery is now up. Over 130 softies! There are three pages to the gallery so don’t miss the “next” links. Once again, if I have messed up your entry, or missed you out altogether please let me know. I seem to keep doing it to the same people so I am sorry if it happens to you.

Also, just a quick note to let you know that I will be putting most of the cats that I am making up on ebay in the next couple of weeks. I just need to finish all their little dresses and so on and then they will be ready to go. If you would like to be alerted to when they go on sale (and for future toy releases), please just send an empty email to this address

And lastly, congratulations to Lori and Paul for the birth of their gorgeous little Sosi who is definitely January’s cutest little Softy.

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25 Responses

  1. Hear, hear! Thank you for your energy and effort bringing us all together.

  2. Wow, what a lot of work Claire. Looks great and I love your cats!. I’m going to seriously try and come up with something for the next one.

  3. This was so much fun! Thanks for organizing it and putting so much time into it!

  4. Every single one of these items is a triumph for women’s creativity and our ability to articulate our sense of wit and style! Thank you so much Claire for your hard work – and well done to all of us! I’ve already started my Alice! Woohoo!

  5. You’ve done a great job Claire. It is so exciting to see all the different responses to the challenge.

  6. alissahuie@gmail.com says:

    i bet youre having a ball while your site meter goes up..and up.. and up! Thanks sunrise?

  7. All I can say is wow. Those cats are amazing! Claire thank you so much for organising this brilliant project. It is such fun to browse through the gallery each month.

  8. I second that–thanks for all the hard work putting this up. It’s going to be fun going through all the links during the morning coffee/tea time! I hope Amelia watched some good educational programming while you did this–nothing wrong with that!

  9. Thank you so much for all the work that goes into this! I love the challenge each month, and looking at everyone’s beautiful work.

  10. claire
    thank you so much for the month of softies. the gallery looks fantastic. you are amazing.

    take care

  11. z_elegans@yahoo.com says:

    you are amazing! kudos one thousand times. the gallery looks fabulous.

  12. They all look so gorgeous, I cant wait to go through and look at them all properly..

  13. three pages, wow. amazing how many lives you’ve touched with this project. congrats on such a success!

  14. The gallery is amazing. I’m blown away by the diversity of the entries. Thank you for organizing the MOS!

  15. Thanks so much for your hard work and for giving me something so fun to look forward to each month!

  16. dml410@earthlink.net says:

    Thank you for such a wonderful source of inspiration. Although my cat didn’t make the deadline, I had fun making her and plan to explore more.

  17. christine71266@hotmail.com says:

    love love love them all. Need to settle down properly with a cup of coffee and couple of biccies to savour each one slowly. Well done everyone and thank you for brightening the next few days!!!

  18. The gallery is so much fun! I had a blast looking at all the kitties this morning over my cereal. Thanks for all the hard work 😀

  19. Another thank you from me for all your work hosting and organizing the Softies gallery, Claire! The creations are all brilliant.Seeing everyone’s fantastic work will keep me inspired for February!

  20. I like the way your blog is arrange, with all the pictures and cartoons.

  21. d-j@dodo.com.au says:

    OK, so this is admitting i watch morning tv – i know how base can one get? – but anyway, had to pass on congratulations as i heard loobylu, and even your name claire robinson get mentioned on sunrise re: sewing and knitting for women in the 21st century. well done!!! hopefully next time you get a mention will be on a quality programme on a quality network. cheers and have a good one.

  22. sarahlyttle@hotmail.com says:

    At 8.28am this morning “Claire Robertson from Melbourne has a Month of Softies…” was a mentioned on Channel 7’s Sunrise program!!!!Congratulations 🙂

  23. we got a mention on Sunrise??! how exciting!

  24. leetusdesigns@ozemail.com.au says:

    I love to see all the different ideas people can come up with…Im going to try to do something this month!!! Congrats on being mentioned on Sunrise…thats major!!! What else does a mum watch when they are woken at 6am to feed their child???

  25. Beautifully done – lovely site to browse.