Playground Finder
Something that I have been meaning to find time to blog about for ages is the wonderful site set up by our good friends Ben and Suzette over at Playground Finder. You may have noticed that loobylu has been sporting a button down in the left hand corner since late last year but I have been wanting to write a long entry about my life-long love/hate relationship with playgrounds but it hasn’t come together so instead I will just RAVE about Playground Finder. I have just been having a fresh look this morning and every time I come back to it I am always so impressed with how easy it is to use and how packed with information it already is. SO if you have kids and live in Australia I urge you to run (not walk – run!) over to Playground Finder and have a dig around. I also urge you to get out there and discover new playgrounds and then submit reviews to PGF to help make a superbly comprehensive list of playgrounds. Yey Suzette and Ben!
happy new year claire.and congrats on the new house.
can’t wait to see the finished vintage kitten.
Hi Claire-
This is about your movie-watching resolution. Have you considered joining the ACMI lending library? (
It’s 95 bucks a year and you can borrow four titles a week -docos, features, children’s movies, even 16 ml stuff (if you have a projector). You can even arrange for them to be sent to a local library if you don’t want to go into the city to pick them up. I’ve just joined myself as it looks like a good deal and they have lots of classic videos on offer.
Hi there Claire!
Just like to let you know that you christmas cards (bought from kids in berlin) were very well received! I reckon there’ll be a bigger demand next year, adn I hope to see a new design or two (?)
Also, the top of your blog still has ‘spring 2004’ on it…but I’m sure you noticed that already, just too busy for these trivial thing ;D
Hi Claire, with reference to the felt search. I buy woolen blankets from charity shops and dye them myself in a big old pot. It’s much cheaper and you get whatever colour you want, I use them for felt applique,jewellery,cushions, bags and whatever else I can think of. They are nice and soft too, but if you want them even denser just stick the blankies in a hot machine wash.Happy stitching,
P.s. Your little girl looks just like one of Mabel Lucie Atwell’s illustrations – cute as a bug’s ear !.
I love the idea of your friends’ website, Playground Finder! Wish we had a similar thing here in the U.S.- or do we? If someone knows of such a thing for the States, please post.
I’ve been reading this for just a shortwhile now, and I just wanted to tell you: I love this layout, and all your illustrations. Oh, and your daughter is adorable!