Pig Elephant

Cards are being folded, boxes stacked, envelopes printed, databases filled and bags of packages rushed through the rain to be mailed. My Mum and Dad have been loobylu card shop superstars. Dad’s database is to die for, and Mum is a packing, folding, mailing machine. Thank you guys!
Sales are going well but there are still plenty to go around so order lots! Order often!

Some elephants are beginning to appear for November’s Month of Softies project – here is a sneak peek:
Mia Hansen’s funky elephant wall doll. Make sure you check out her other wall dolls in her shop. And there’s Heidi’s adorable elephant and its pig-like predecessor..

I am very sorry that I picked the symbol of the American Republican party to be our first softy theme. Being an Australian I had absolutely no idea! I hope it isn’t too painful a project for anyone.

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27 Responses

  1. nancy_flynn@sbcglobal.net says:

    I got my cards yesterday and they are TOO WONDERFUL! I am struggling with making my first stuffed thing, which sadly is a dog, since that’s the only pattern they had at the store, and I am clueless as to making my own pattern. But once I finish the dog, maybe I’ll try to alter the pattern for elephant…

  2. kdancy@speakeasy.net says:

    Hi Claire- I received my cards today-Thank you! I’ll have to save one of each though, ’cause they make me happy. I’m also very excited about the “month of softies”, and am hoping to get a wee elephant together in time. 🙂

  3. Oh, Claire! I have been sort of questioning why on earth I am making this horrible elephant when I am a die-hard democrat. However, I have taken great comfort in knowing that he’s mostly been in pieces and stuffed with pins! He’ll be very lovable though, and maybe I’ll accessorize him with some Democratic Donkey Ears!

  4. I love the theme. I’m not from US either so it doen’t have special connotations for me either.I have collected images on elephants and put a gallery for inspiration.

  5. lauracarroll@hotmail.com says:

    oh gosh. what a shocking pice of irony. Maybe this could be ‘reclaim the elephant’ month for the north americans?? I didn’t know about the republican connection either.

  6. Ohhh! I can not wait for my cards to arrive!

  7. Frankly I like elephants. I don’t know why maybe it was Dumbo that did it to me. Because really what I like is pink elephants, and that is what quilts I’ve been making and the color of my stuffed elephants, so I think we need to take a step back from the political arena and not demonize the poor elephant I mean it’s not her pink-butted fault that she is a political party symbol now is it?

  8. oh my gosh! the elephants so far are wonderful! yeah to everyone who’s participating in this world community fun!!!
    and so exciting — can’t wait to recieve my cards! ^_^

  9. such a wondrous, adorable site. love every detail of it.

  10. hey claire thanks for the link! I didnt even think about the whole republican thing when making my elephant..poor dear things, lets reclaim those cutie pies! The cards look so great!

  11. Ahh..no problem about the elephant..I never associate them with Rebublicans…I like elephants! 😉

  12. I’m looking forward to *sending* your cards out as much as I am to receiving them in the first place. They’re gorgeous!

  13. Wow, I love the elephants so far. I can’t wait to see them all in the end. It’s great to see how differently everyone interprets the theme. My elephant is finished, but her accessories aren’t. hehe You can get a peek of her here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/reebert/290928.html

  14. I am a die-hard Dem and I didn’t even think about the fact that the elephant was a Republican symbol. No worries.

  15. Hey Claire. Received my cards today. THANK YOU. They’re gorgeous. One’s going into archives for the future, when you’re even more famous than you are now! 🙂

  16. Oooh, cuties popping up alreaddy. I am joining the fun but haven’t got quite that far yet…
    What a fun idea the month of softies is.

  17. Marlag0098@hotmail.com says:

    Oh for crying out loud, republicans don’t ‘own’ elephants — ‘demonize elephants’? Real nice.. oh yeah, that’s right… only democrats are creative – republican artists don’t exist… well, thanks for letting me know that this is one website I am not welcome to…as well as half of the U.S.

  18. Marla, although it might be tempting to read my apology as some kind of political endorsement, it was merely a response to some distressed comments on other people’s sites, nothing more. Everyone’s welcome to join in.

  19. humbert@tpg.com.au says:

    You’ve created an (elephant) monster! I am doddling elephants in sequinned bikinis during phone conferences, scribbling designs on my Palm Pilot on the bus home…. and still I have not decided on a design, let alone whether it’s a quilt, doll or bag!

  20. When I think of elephants, I think of the Hindu deity Ganesha. He is the God of education, knowledge and wisdom, literature, and the fine arts. He is also known as “the destroyer of obstacles.” All Hindus worship Ganesha regardless of their sectarian belief, so in a way you’ve picked a creature that unites everyone in spirit.

  21. I received my Xmas cards yesterday, and they are just wonderful!
    Thanks so much Claire!

  22. mgiacobello@brw.fairfax.com.au says:

    Hi Claire,don’t know if you’ve been to this Melbourne website – but they have some kooky dolls that look right up your alley.

  23. jsquirrel@bluemail.ch says:

    Hi Claire,just received the christmas cards yesterday ! So quick from Australia to Switzerland. They are wonderful ! Can’t wait sending them out to my friends and family. Have a nice day.

  24. I also got your cards a couple of days ago. Very nice indeed! A lot of people will be happy! (^_^) Thanks!

  25. letters@uncapitalized.net says:

    yesterday i came home to the find the envelope of cards outside my door. they are so lovely! some year-round cards would be nice too…xo

  26. Hi Claire, I´ve been visiting your site for a looong time and you never stop giving me surprises. ^^ I read about the month of softies at Christina´s LJ ( Jam Fancy´s ;)) and I think I can´t resist it. And I finished my elepahnt yesterday ^^ hehe. I´ll take pics tomorrow and I´ll show it to you. ^^ it was so funny and relaxing as Christina told. ^^ hehethank you very much ^^