Yet another project to add to the crazy list

Fall Knitty is out! I am dead keen on Tigger… I wonder if I can knit it before Amelia gets too big. Everything about it is gorgeous. Now I am off to hunt for those yarns online.

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5 Responses

  1. Love the Tigger pattern, but if that is mohair…will she like it? or will she say, “too scratchy”?(I know adult women that still say that.)

  2. yeah! Fall Knitty. I’ve been anxiously awaiting it. No cuteness for little boys though. Guess I’ll just have to knit something for myself. Maybe that cool zigzag hat. Good luck with Tigger! Very cute!
    (p.s. I’ve seen that zen ribbon at

  3. says:

    but its *spring*!! time for cute little sun dresses and bright little hats etc.

  4. I love Tigger, too! I’ve been desperately thinking of small girls I know that I could knit it for.

  5. says:

    I’ve also been waiting for something cute for a little boy to knit, ever since Anouk. Guess, I’ll go on working on the beanie collection! The Tigger pattern looks perfect for Amelia!