
A new design to welcome in Spring!
I am feeling optimistic about this change of season and hope it seeps into all parts of our lives. I am so up and down at the moment that I can hardly bear myself. One minute I am intolerant and snakey, the next I am dancing around the lounge room with Amelia to her CD of Latin music (cha cha cha!) or sewing a tiny dog in a creative frenzy. I guess it’s house stress – not the house in question in particular as we have actually got to the stage of not caring if we get it or miss out – but just this state of limbo feeling that has been going on for so long. I crave cupboards to put my fabrics away in, I am sick of tripping over piles of books and plastic crates of junk that fill the room I have here. I want my own kitchen and my own space to tidy or to not! I want to grow plants that we will see mature and I want to start being an adult again. Don’t get me wrong, it is wonderful to be able to live here, and my parents are (quite obviously) the most supportive people but it’s still four adults and one toddler under one roof, bumping and jostling each other with our moods and our habits. While we have managed to keep our relationships in tact and in some ways much stronger (and Amelia has had such a joyous time here) I am sure we will all breath a sigh of relief when we can visit each other for meals rather than wait for each other to hurry up and get out of the bathroom (etc).

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30 Responses

  1. Good luck with the house hunting! *sigh* My parents are selling theirs and it’s no treat dealing with the realators on the other end either 😛

  2. meghan-s@peoplepc.com says:

    The first to comment!I will contain my elation long enough to tell you the new graphics are spiffy and I’m totally digging them.

    Hope your spring is happy and healthy and full of only good things.

  3. ooh lovely 😉

  4. Love the new design.
    Love it, love it, love it.

  5. reidfamily@pacific.net.au says:

    Your new page is so gorgeous and crisp and fresh. Thank you. We were so looking forward to the start of Spring today and it is nothing short of a let down with this murky rain, so to open your page and see this graphic was lovely. And the house will arrive when it is meant to ….. but lets hope that is sooner rather than later !!!

  6. I’d forgotten it was the first day of spring. Thanks for reminding me.. spring is my favourite season.

  7. i understand *exactly* what you mean… good luck on the house hunting

  8. love the new layout, and the tiny doggie is so cute!

  9. what a lovely new design (you should make a new mug with it!) 🙂

  10. I LOVE the new design! So cute and colorful! Love it!

  11. Your new e-house is so beautiful and colorful. I love the pink flowers, it looks so fresh.

  12. Love the design, too, but for us Northerners, it is so funny to see you going into ‘blooming’ time, while we are headed into fall and the coming darker days.

  13. lovely new design. love the pink flowers.

  14. I am presently incorporating a new person into my apartment space, so I can relate to tripping over crates and losing a sense of personal space.
    I need to find some personal space and locate places for all things soon or I may go postal myself.

    God grant you peace in the midst of insanity, Girlie. 🙂

  15. misokittymiso@hotmail.com says:

    Having forgotten that you live on the other side of the globe from me, I was momentarily flummoxed by your welcome to “Spring”. For a few seconds I thought that perhaps it really was Spring in Tennessee even though the calendar says September.
    Should I be concerned that it takes so little for me to doubt my entire reality?

  16. about the house thing – have faith. we had our heart set on a dump with potential in the west, but they were asking too much and we were trying to negotiate, and to keep ourselves sane (distracted) we just kept looking and almost accidentally found a structurally sound, beautiful house $20k cheaper, round the corner from family and friends (the catch? main road and industrial estate). so, have faith, i say.

  17. Bless you for the beauty! Having just returned from sunny Qld. to grey old Melbourne – it was very special to see your graphics reflecting a warmth coming. I also feel in turmoil thinking about moving our family up north…

  18. Your blog is simply lovely! And, you’ve inspired me to take up knitting.
    Inversely, it felt like autumn today in Seattle!

  19. Hi from Italy! I’ve found your blog … i like to understand organization about blog in the world! Bye MAX

  20. Love the new look!Are Loobylu’s eyes inspired by a certain doll, beginning with “B” and ending in “Lythe”?

    At any rate, funky hair and cool clothes there! Sitting in a tree of blossoms too..ahh Spring! Bring it on!

  21. Claire in Edinburgh the rule seems to be you have to look for a place for 3 months before you will get it so depending on how long you have been looking I hope its soon!

  22. carolizzle1@yahoo.com says:

    Oh! THis would be sooo cool on a white T!! Just sweeping across under the neckline!! Please please please make this into a T so we can all proudly wear your graphic!! Caroline

  23. hemuul@hotmail.com says:

    I love your new design! ^^

  24. tiffanywilken@hotmail.com says:

    It’s just gorgeous. Amelia is so lucky to have a talented mommy like you. When she gets big she’s going to have this vast collection of beautiful illustrations and creations that her mommy did.
    I also love the “weeny little dog.”

  25. How lovely your new illustration for spring! You are one of my favorite illustrators!

  26. jl_marshall@hotmail.com says:

    Lovely new spring illustrations! Just wondering if we’ll get to know the results of that Loobylu survey from a long time ago. 🙂

  27. girl.lu@bol.com.br says:

    Very cute the new design! Congratulations. 😉

  28. I love the spring design as well, even though it’s slightly confusing for those of us in a different hemisphere…;)sending ya’ll good thoughts to finding that house and landing it! And I love the little stuffed dog! Very precious.

  29. Hi Claire, I wanted to show your illustration portfolio to a friend and I can’t find the link anywhere… am I just too sleepy?

  30. hello from “across the ditch” in new zealand! I stumbled across loobylu over 3 months ago, and am now addicted. your illustrations are just fab.please keep it up 🙂