Knit one, terrible twos (early)
On Saturday morning Big-P, Amelia J and I headed over to Brunswick to pick up Special-K who came to spend the weekend with us for some nurturing. She had a minor motorbike accident on a recent trip to Perth and as her flat is up three flights of stairs, she is having to be nomadic for a couple of weeks and find friends who live on ground level to stay with. On our way over there we stopped off so I could pick up some yarn to start my great knitting adventure. Big thick red wool was the order of the day and some hunken-chunken 6mm needles. I am knitting the basic “ribbed for her pleasure” scarf from page 47 of Stitch ‘n Bitch. I don’t think I am holding the needles and wool properly yet as I have a very sore little finger today but otherwise it’s going pretty well. My scarf is growing rapidly, my stitches becoming a little neater and I have big plans for other assorted items.
Speaking of scarves. The Melbourne Scarf Festival is coming up in June which looks very inspiring.
Mum and Dad return home today after a 9 day holiday on a tropical island. I am really looking forward to seeing them – as is Amelia J. We had a long and tough week last week. By Friday after a week of basic isolation due to green mucus and hefty coughs she and I were sick of the sight of one another. The highlight of the week of tantrums and lack of sleep was when I decided to take Amelia for a drive and a walk to give us a break from the monotony. She refused to walk out to the car with me, crying her current favourite “NO MORE!” as I coaxed her out the front door. I carried her to the nature strip where I plonked her down so that I could unlock the car and as I did she collapsed to her knees bawling and howling “NO MORE! NO MORE!”. As I came back around to open her door she dramatically slumped down , crying “NANNA! PA!” and then accidentally rolled down the nature strip and lay covered in leaves and dirt in the gutter with green snot and tears streaming down her face, still howling “NO MORE! NANNA! PA!”. Ah, the neighbours must think I’m the mother from hell. But wait until she starts sporting lovingly created, hand knitted sweaters and hats! Then all will be forgiven. Maybe.
Um, is that personal enough for you? 😉
Aaah I remember those days. Thank goodness they are over. I have much more empathy for other Mums in the same situation than I ever did pre kids. Good luck and remember it won’t last for ever.
The best thing about having a kid that’s older than Amelia by.. erm.. however many months Alice is older than Amelia by… is that as fun stuff happens with Alice, I can at least console myself with “ahh well, this will make interesting loobylu reading when Amelia goes through it”.
The current area where I am consoling myself with this: toilet training.
Thank u for important news!
Personal enough? Yep. (Poor little girl.) I’m glad that you both know who the boss is. It remnds me of a t-shirt I’ve seen:’When the going gets tough dial 0800 NANA’.
Ah, they’re so cute when they’re six weeks old…
no. sot personal enough – when you get into the poo stories – then you will be going too far…except for fellow parents, we will listen to anything – just to hear another adult voice!!!
I’m a bit partial to a good poo story myself! Poo and snot stories are about on a par I think…okay, maybe not.Wait till you get green snot on those lovingly crafted woollies that require hand-washing – then you’ll be permanently hovering around her with a hankie.
claire – i know yr pain. thank god for grandparents!
i don’t know how it happened, but lately all i’m reading is tiny-teeny-loud-baby stories.*sigh* know this, unborn child, thou shalt not be blessed with mother-made scarves.
not unless you want my blood on your conscience.
I read this blog as I identify with the problems of being a lone illustrator. The personal stuff on Amelia is a bonus: makes me relieved to be child-free! Just had my cousins + 2 kids round and 24hours is enough kid-exposure to last me months….
eli (2 and a half) leant down to bite my hand, and i felt his teeth dig into my skin, i tapped his leg and said no, firmly, but quietly, and pulled my hand away. what followed was this:’mum! mum! dont hurt me! dont hit me mum! please! dont hit me! grandmaaaaaaaaaa!’
in the middle of grocery shopping
oh, the love of children, is anything sweeter?
Oh I can so relate! My 21 month old has turned into a MONSTER! And not the cute kind made by someone we know lol. At any rate, I figure screaming must be good for kids. Yeah. That’s the ticket.
You haven’t felt pain until your 18 month old beans you in the head with a heavy battery operated toy and breaks your fancy glasses.
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