Have a cupcake!

Today is the Mother’s Group baby’s first birthday party! The eldest of the wee tots is turning 1 today and over the next few weeks all the others will be reaching this momentous occasion too so we’re having a big end of term bash to celebrate. I can’t believe Amelia J is almost one. It has gone so fast! In a blink of an eye she is already a shoe fetishist (saying “SHOE!” with great delight any time she sees a pair of shoes – or socks) and already laughing at her own jokes (food on the floor? “AHHAHA!”, patting daddy on the tummy? “AH HAAAHHAA!!”). I am taking the video camera, a bottle of champagne and pink swirly cupcakes that mum and I have been decorating with glee. PARTY!

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35 Responses

  1. What cheerful looking cupcakes. They look as good or better than those Magnolia Bakery cupcakes everyone’s talking about.

  2. Pink cupcakes! How adorable….lucky Amelia J.

  3. Great shot! Yummy too 🙂 I like your art work! Keep it up! 🙂

  4. They look GREAT!! You should be able to run the cake decorating course!!

  5. What a great shot!
    I hope to take food photos as good as this one day. Did you use a digital camera and what sort of lens?

    Hope you have a great time!

  6. Ooh, cover of Vogue Entertaining…
    It’ll be fun watching the kids devour those : )

  7. Gosh that cupcake looks yummy!! Have a great time at the party!

  8. that looks so cute! been ages since i ate cupcakes. maybe it’s time to make some.

  9. oh wow those cupcakes sure look great!

  10. -drool-
    that looks scrumpious.


    I better head downstairs and get something sweet.

    Note to myself: have someone to go looby’s site before entering… you might grow fat in the end of the month.


  11. Wow – you have a hidden talent with a pastry bag 🙂 I hope the party is a raging success!

  12. claire,i discovered your blog one week before you had amelia, when i was six months pregnant of jan, my son. i’ve been reading you to know what lay ahead for me, and now i’m thrilled to find out that amelia can already say things! will jan be such a smart baby?

  13. Mmm, those cupcakes look good. 🙂

  14. stef@stefmike.org says:

    such pretti cupcakes! oh 🙂 too pretty to eat!

  15. trace8@speakeasy.net says:

    I’ve never seen a more perfect grouping of cupcakes…. I love the bright pink accent swirl…. what is the dark dot on top? Is it purple? CUTE

  16. smtanner@ucdavis.edu says:

    i want u as my mom..and im 21!~ ur the coolest! from ur pictures to the actual cupcakes, i smell perfection!

  17. eradford@gmp.usyd.edu.au says:

    Ciao from Roma! Watch out for a postcard…M

  18. hey! you inspired me to make chocolate cup cakes – which turned out – hollow!

  19. Oooh, cute about the shoes! And everything else! And those cupcakes look good! Might you be posting the recipe at some point??? *crosses fingers*

  20. those look so good.
    got a recipe for it perhaps?

  21. Wow, it has flown by. Beautiful cupcakes, by the way–how’d you get them so perfect? Have an excellent time partying, you certainly deserve it.
    Thanks for the link to the vintage encyclopedia buttons, btw. I ordered two packs. Woohoo!

  22. the cupcakes look absolutely yummy!

  23. nice cupcakes you got there. It looks delicious. I would love to try some!

  24. dan@country.victoria.com says:

    not enough people who read blogs have babies. i am disappointed that of the 23 replies so far only a couple mention the real significant event in your life. your daughters first year…we are expecting our second any day…the rate at which children develop is phenomenal and the responsibility for shaping the way they interact with the world is immense. you are doing great from all blog reports. keep it up…and don’t waste too much time trying to capture it all in a blog, or on a camera…enjoy the actual experience…children are divine.

  25. yep@whatever.com says:

    it is just a f*ckin cupcake…bloody hell!

  26. hahaha 😀 but i’m not even married!! and cupcakes aren’t that common in singapore, even if there are any, they don’t look as good as these!!! ours are just plain brown in white paper whatever-you-call-that-cup. 😉

  27. Sounds like it’ll be grand. Happy birthday, Amelia! And congratulations to Mum and Pop.

  28. t.bartley@att.net says:

    We just celebrated our daughter’s 2nd bday with cupcakes! Enjoy! and congratulations!

  29. What I want to know is, how was the champagne? Much nicer than cupcakes!

  30. Any chance of the cupcake recipe, Claire? My best friend’s daughter turns 2 next week, and I’d love to have a go at these cute cupcakes for her party 🙂

  31. PLEASE write another entry! I’m trying to diet and seeing that cupcake every time I check your page is making it very hard!!!

  32. Oh, do I ever love cupcakes. Don’t really like cake, but cupcakes are a completely different story.
    Thanks for being part of my “100 Blogs, 100 Comments.”

  33. Nice work, love the coloured paper as well. Can imagine the sugar rush now.
    By the way I too had piucked up a copy of the Art of Mary Blair recently. Stunning work and a great book. I’ve got a friend coming to live in Sydney from the Disney studio in LA that has a similar style to that as well.