A weekend in the country

We had a lovely weekend in the country. I drove up with little Amelia J and my Mum and Dad and we met up with my brother and his wife and little Jimmy A.
Little Jimmy A is the sweetest, smiliest baby with the bluest eyes and fluffy blond hair. He’s like the exact opposite of Amelia who has just discovered a rather terrifying grumpy face. If you hold him he snuggles into your shoulder and makes cooing and gahing noises while Amelia prefers to scratch your nose or pull your hair. The babies were very pleased to see one another and even more pleased to see one another’s toys. Jim is going to have to learn some self defense tactics for the next time we get together as Amelia was very keen on grabbing all his toys and stockpiling them behind her. When she ran out of toys to grab she wanted to grab Jim who has only just mastered the art of sitting up and didn’t do too well against a feisty cousing-tackle. Some before and after photos of the toy stealing can be seen here.

Saturday night was a freezing, clear-skied evening. Perfect for a raging bonfire and a shearing-shed full of teenagers down from the Ag Institute to celebrate my second-cousin-once-removed’s 18th birthday. 150 of them arrived to be sure it was celebrated properly. We tucked the little babes up in bed after stories of “Spot” and “Maisy’s Colours” and left Grandma in charge with a glass of whiskey and ducked out the front gate and across the dark sheep paddock and down for some warming bevvies by the fire. The stars were amazing. Living in the city means you forget how thick the sky is with the things. Even Mars hanging over the hill was looking upstaged by the milky way and crescent moon. We stayed for the speeches and the garlic prawn finger food, then decided it was time to head back up to the house as we started to overhear drunken teen conversations about things we really didn’t want to know about.

As I curled up under my doona around 11pm the DJ from Yass started up his cd player and the window panes and the long, post-spring-rain grass in the paddock started to quiver. Around 2am some of the more raucous, crazed teens started letting of fireworks just outside my bedroom window. Amelia ended up snuggling in bed with me as the noise was a little much for either of us to bear. Around 3.30am I found myself deliriously singing along to Pseudo Echo’s Funky Town.

I woke after a precious few hours sleep around 7am and looked out the front window to see a frost encrusted paddock filled with abandoned utes (some with smashed windscreens) and kids asleep in frost encrusted sleeping bags. A quiet day was had by all.

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15 Responses

  1. Hi Claire,
    i’m looking for a Poem i once found on your site (that is, i think i did) It may be a know poem in australia but not over here in the netherlands. it went like this:

    When i was one i…
    When i was two i…
    And so one until six i believe?

    I want to translate it for my own site, because my oldest daughter is six now.

    Do you remember it, or anyone?

    Thanks a bunch in advance

  2. How adorable…your descriptions of the babies are so lifelike! Hope you had fun despite the noise 😉

  3. O Claire… How lush and lovely with detail…and how Australian! I loved the line “Living in the city means you forget how thick the sky is with the things” especially. One question though: what’s a doona?!

  4. A doona is the Oz equiv of a comforter

  5. smashed windscreens!
    i’m going to use that as inspiration in the b&s themed rock opera i decided i’d write this morning.

    my mother has a theory that cranky babies make for easier teenagers.

  6. merleb17@mac.com says:

    It looks to me as though Cuz had ALL the toys to begin with! Who could possibly blame the captivating Amelia for grabbing something now and then!

  7. Thank you for sharing your photo, how precious! By the way, I LOVE your new design! I visit your site every morning to get my dose of inspiration!

  8. That really is “a rather terrifying grumpy face”! I love it! I wish I could pull that one on bossy work colleagues sometimes. 🙂 Maybe it just seems extra terrifying because she looks so gorgeous when she isn’t pulling it? It’s relative?

  9. Gosh, adorable babies totally run you family!

  10. AHHHHHHH cute picture!

  11. Oh my my, you are lovely!

  12. loobylu@plinth.org says:

    I recognize that Tiny Love Gymonee that Jim is sitting on. Those rock!

  13. smellebelle@yahoo.com says:

    Claire – your description of the party not only reminded me of my not very distant teenage shenanigans at parties on the farm, but also a great book I read last year called “Jillaroo” by Rachael Treasure…that entry was just magical…it makes me sigh with longing for country Victoria. Thanks for that!

  14. Can’t you wait till your own Am is in her teenage wild eyed discovery years and gazing up at the stars whispering to her girl friends secrets you would rather not hear…I think she will have a lovely mom watching over.
    Did they have Roosters?
    I love that the best of being in the country the noises of early morning.