tree lite
I forgot to mention that our tree is up! Last year I found a tiny little tree in a nursery that was about a foot high and covered it in weensy little decorations which suited our tiny little apartment down to the ground. Unfortunately I let it shrivel up and die outside in the water deprived courtyard. But this year I have decided to try again and we have a tree in a pot that’s about 4 foot high! Mum has offered to foster it during the year, and put it in a little cyprus copse along with her tree and grandma’s tree where they can all live happily and be regularly watered by Mum and Dad’s fancy watering system.

The tree is very Dr Suess – with waving, spindly branches reminiscent of the Grinch’s finger tips, or I can even imagine one of my childhood favourites Horton sitting on top attempting to hatch an egg. So I put it up in the front window and have covered it in miniature mirror balls and funny little ornaments from the Oxfam shop. A set of delicate lights are the finishing touch – Megan sent them to me last year in celebration of our wedding and they are perfect for the fine branches of the tree. It’s very christmasy around here despite the week of heat. 40°c is forecast for Saturday.
how perfect! i love christmas trees. i can’t wait to have ours up and decorated:)
When I was younger my family had a live potted blue spruce, which was a fantastic tree. Only now is it too big to come inside.
Here, we have an artificial tree. Very practical and boring, however the purple, silver and aqua decorations liven it up a little.
If I ever had my own family, I’d want to have an Italian Christmas. Instead of stockings, my children would put out their shoes and wait for Mother Bafana to come. Mother Bafana is an old Italian woman (I forget the exact story..) who puts treats into childrens shoes.. I feel so silly that I can’t remember the story.
I am such a slacker. I got a little spun gold wire tree and was going to create a simple and elegant christmas tableau on the mantlepiece around it.
Well the tree is sitting there but so far that’s it.
Having a real tree in a pot is so lovely.
I had one growing up and every year we got one new set of decorations (to keep up with it’s growing).
Oh it’s lovely! I have a little two-footer sitting on a stereo speaker in the living room. But unfortunately it’s of the pre-fabricated species.
Our tree still isn’t up.
Yup, this heat is killing me.
i LOVED horton when i was little! children’s books are probably my main early inspiration for becoming an illustrator–hansel and gretal is still my top favorite of all time—i know i’m a bit late posting a message about dolls on your christmas tree entry, but this months issue of Martha Stewart Kids has a great section on how to make sock dolls ( right after the wonderful insert about penguins illustrated by j otto! ) and they made me think of your doll endevor.
Horton is, without a doubt, the BEST Dr. Seuss character.
I’m sure your Seussian Christmas tree is adorable. I had a Charlie Brown tree for many years, but it was kind of a cheat tree – artificial.
Anyway, glad to see you posting again, even though I’m sure Amelia is keeping you busy. 🙂
Xmas in your part of the world seems SO different to mine as it is freezing here in WALES-UK.
I cant imagine a hot xmas, please post some pictures of your xmas decorations so I can see how they compare with ours here in snowy Wales.
I know what it’s like to spend Christmas in summery-climes – I’ve spent all my christmases in Singapore until now. For the first time I’ll be in a properly winter place – the UK. 🙂
Just want to say that I’m really happy that you’re posting often and that this new blog format is great!
The Kyrgystani doll looks beautiful, I’m sure Amelie will love it.
Of course I’ve gone and made a mistake in your daugter’s name – I’m sure that AmeliA will love the doll.
A mistake on my part because I’ve been watching Amelie from Montmatre – a gorgeous, gorgeous French movie – please check it out.